Gap insurance is a type of auto insurance that you can purchase to protect yourself in case you total your car and the amount of compensation you receive does not fully cover the amount you owe on your financing or lease agreement. If the balance of your car loan is greater than the vehi...
Gap insurance is an optional auto insurance coverage that helps pay your car loan if your car is lost or stolen and you owe more than the vehicle is worth.
Guaranteed Auto Protection (GAP) Coverage in case of a total loss. What is GAP? In the event yourPorschevehicle is declared a total loss due to an accident, theft, or natural disaster, your primary insurance company might only reimburse you for the amount equal to their assessment of the ...
My Warranty Refund helps customers cancel car warranties, extended auto warranties, and gap insurance for fast refunds. Learn more about car warranty cancellation rights.
What is Gap Insurance?[[3380]] Guaranteed Auto Protection Insurance (GAP) is offered by Nissan and other financial institutions as a way of protecting you from financial disaster in case your vehicle is stolen or totaled and your insurance policy doesn't cover the cost of a stolen or ...
GAP insurance can lessen your loss in case of auto theft or a wreck.(The Dallas Morning News)Yip, Pamela
Gap insurance may have additional fees. Employees may be responsible for paying some deductibles, copays and other fees. Did You Know? Gap insurance is also an option in commercial auto insurance. It pays the difference between the depreciated value of the car and what you owe. How does gap...
“Gap” is an insurance industry acronym for “guaranteed auto protection.” Gap insurance reimburses a car owner when the payment for a total loss is less than the outstanding loan or lease balance. Gap insurance covers the difference between the depreciated value of the car and the loan ...
Gap insurance is an extension of your auto insurance that covers the difference between the actual cash value of the car and what you owe on loan. If, for example, you were to total your car in an accident and it had a current market value of $10,000 due to years of ownership but ...