Research gap描述 Research gap指的是研究中的知识空白或未解决的问题,也是指当前学术研究领域中需要进一步探索的问题。在学术研究中,通过识别和填补研究间隙,可以推动研究的进展和创新。 以社会科学领域为例,社会科学研究中的知识空白和未解决问题需要通过相关的研究方法和技术来填补,从而支持学术研究的发展。在社会科学...
在逻辑和推理中,"gap"常常用来表示知识、信息或数据的空白。例如,在学术研究中,当一个研究领域的某些重要问题尚未得到解决时,我们可以说这个领域存在"research gaps"(研究缺口)。这种表述在考研复习和论文写作中尤其重要,考生在进行文献综述时,需要识别并指出研究的空白。 2. 时间间隔 "gap"也能够指代时间上的间隔,...
aThere is a gap in the research around identifying the skills and support structures that make up a good social work supervisor, while there is also a greater need for exploration of the types of professional development options and training social work supervisors feel would allow them to ...
引言中research gap和motivation的区别 在研究论文的引言部分,研究缺口(research gap)和动机(motivation)是两个很重要的概念,但它们具有不同的含义和作用。研究缺口一般指当前已有研究的局限性或不足之处,即已有研究无法完全回答的问题或未被探究的方面。通过指出研究缺口,研究者可以说明他们的研究对于填补知识空白和解决...
Health-related quality of life in paediatric asthma: Children's and parents' perspectives. This study aimed to describe the quality of life of a group of Portuguese children with asthma, to explore the association between health-related quality o... CM Silva,L Barros,F Simões - 《Psychology...
A second complementary way of bridging the gap is through the choice of research strategies designed for that purpose. Three principles that might guide the choice of such strategies are suggested and exemplified; and it is noted that relatively little educational research in the UK has been in ...
Based on the belief that meeting an existing pedagogic need is something that should receive primary attention in SLA, this study attempts to bridge the gap between L2 pronunciation research and pronunciation pedagogy. In so doing, this study provides a narrative literature review of papers on L2 ...
There is a large body of educational research results available in the science education literature that could be usefully applied for the improvement of teaching practice in biochemistry and molecular biology. Unfortunately, for a great variety of reasons, such applications are relatively limited in ou...
Is there a research-practice gap? Not if you listen to APA…Linienfold, S. O
文献综述的作用是:? It can be used to show that there is a gap in the research that your work