Gao Ge will redefine the new brand on the basis of the experience of Shu Lang and Mei Teng shop, and establish a self marketing channel and a dual channel mode with the help of cooperation channels. We should steadily and steadily take the road of self marketing, based on the strategic m...
shu zhi gao ge definition at, a free online dictionary with English, Mandarin Chinese, Pinyin, Strokes & Audio. Look it up now!
导数是高等数学中的一个重要概念,主要用于研究函数在某一点的局部性质。下面我们将分别介绍几种常见函数的导数定义。 一、幂函数的导数定义 幂函数的一般形式为f(x) = x^n,其中n为实数。其导数定义为:f'(x) = nx^(n-1)。也就是说,幂函数的导数就是原函数的指数乘以系数,指数减一后的幂函数。
ParticipatingbrandThere are: Ruyi, Shu Lang (young brand - Gao Ge) Nan Shan, Yi Fa, Xi Nu men's clothing, TempleDown Jackets, and so on.The following are the new products released by the brand of Shu long brand.With its own brand charisma and core values, shurang has established a ...
简体:束之高阁 / 繁体:束之高阁 / 拼音:shu4 zhi1 gao1 ge2 中文 简体 束 之 高 阁 繁体 束 之 高 閣 shù zhī gāo gé 英文 tied up in a bundle on a high shelf/ to put sth on the back burner/ no longer a high priority 说明:词汇数据来源于CC-CEDICT,发音数据来源于chinese-lessons...
英语字典:束(shu,)之(zhi,)高(gao,)阁(ge,) “ 束之高阁 ”的英语翻译 词典解释 shu zhi gao ge put on the shelf; to lay aside and neglect “ 束之高阁 ”的其它翻译 词典解释 (1)[中文词典] (2)[韩语词典] (3)[日语词典] ...
词语:束高阁 拼音: shù gāo gé 注音: ㄕㄨˋㄍㄠㄍㄜˊ 引证解释: 见“ 束之高阁 ”。 相关词语:束高阁 相关成语:束高阁 "束" 字的相关词语 "阁" 字的相关词语
Gao shou Guanglu da fu gao feng zhong yi dai fu san pin feng dian nei ge zhong shu xian kao he qin fu jun xing shuzhenhuang. Qian