Ganymede, a satellite of the planet Jupiter, is the largest and most massive of the Solar System’s moons. It is the ninth-biggest object in the Solar System (including the Sun) and the largest without a significant atmosphere. It has a diameter of 5,268 kilometers (3...
Ganymede is the only satellite in the solar system to have a magnetosphere. Typically found in planets, including Earth and Jupiter, a magnetosphere is a comet-shaped region in which charged particles are trapped or deflected. Ganymede's magnetosphere is entirely embedded within the magnetosphere of...
This large size almost qualifies Ganymede to be called a planet, except this moon already orbit around Jupiter. Ganymede, however, has a low density, which is virtually less than twice the density of water. In the following sections, we will learn more about the features of Ganymede, such ...
Ganymede is the largest satellite in the solar system. It is larger in diameter than Mercury but only about half its mass. Ganymede is much larger thanPluto1. Before the Galileo encounters with Ganymede it was thought that Ganymede and Callisto were composed of a rocky core surrounded by a l...
Ganymede(gănˈēmēdˌ), in astronomy, one of the moons, or natural satellites, ofJupiter; the largest natural satellite in the solar system, it is larger than the planet Mercury. , in Greek mythology Ganymede,in Greek mythology, a youth of great beauty. He was carried off by Zeus ...
Ganymede's relatively clean mantle was the source region for the water, slush, or ice that resurfaced more than half the satellite; this resurfacing material is structurally confined in broad rifts or troughs and is often captured to form grooved terrain. An explanation for resurfacing and ...
Callisto is unique among the planet-sized objects of the solar system in its absence of interior forces to drive geological evolution. The satellite was born dead and has remained geologically dead for more than four billion years.Ganymede, another of Jupiter's satellites and the largest in our...
Callisto is unique among the planet-sized objects of the solar system in its absence of interior forces to drive geological evolution. The satellite was born dead and has remained geologically dead for more than four billion years. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential ...
Formation of the regular satellites of giant planets in an extended gaseous nebula II: satellite migration and survival waves) that the tidal torque of Ganymede and Titan clears the gas disk out to their location, thus stranding Callisto and Iapetus far from the planet... Ignacio,Mosqueira,and...
Callisto the Satellite of Jupiter Essay It’s easy to see why not much attention is paid to Callisto. For four hundred years, Callisto appeared only as the fourth dot away when gazing at Jupiter through a telescope. It also didn’t help Callisto gain attention by orbiting Jupiter. Jupiter ...