肝硬变拼音gān yìng biàn 注音ㄍㄢ一ㄥˋ ㄅ一ㄢˋ 繁体肝硬變 词性名词 词语解释 肝硬变[ gān yìng biàn ] ⒈ 一种慢性病,由营养不良、酒精中毒等引起肝的病变。伴随症状有食欲不振,消瘦,右上腹部胀痛,肝脏硬化,脾肿大等。又名“肝硬化” 英cirrhosis of the liver;...
注音: ㄍㄢㄧㄥˋㄅㄧㄢˋ 词语解释: [cirrhosis of the liver] 一种慢性病,由营养不良、酒精中毒等引起肝的病变。伴随症状有食欲不振,消瘦,右上腹部胀痛,肝脏硬化,脾肿大等。又名“肝硬化” 相关词语:肝硬变 相关成语:肝硬变 "变" 字的相关词语...
词性名词 词语解释 肝硬变[ gān yìng biàn ] ⒈ 一种慢性病,由营养不良、酒精中毒等引起肝的病变。伴随症状有食欲不振,消瘦,右上腹部胀痛,肝脏硬化,脾肿大等。又名“肝硬化” 英cirrhosis of the liver;近音词、同音词词语组词 肝字组词 硬字组词 变字组词“...
拼音gān yìng biàn注音ㄍㄢㄧㄥˋㄅㄧㄢˋ 解释1. 一种慢性病,由营养不良、酒精中毒等引起肝的病变。伴随症状有食欲不振,消瘦更多:https://www.bmcx.com/,右上腹部胀痛,肝脏硬化,脾肿大等。又名“肝硬化”。 其它“肝”字典“硬”字典“变”字典...
肝硬变 中文肝硬变 英文【医】 cirrhosis; cirrhosis of liver; hepatitis interstitialis chronica hepatocirrhosis; Molten's disease; Pictow disease; Winton disease
Gan ying hua bing men jing mai xue shuan huan zhe xue jiang xian wei dan bai yuan ji D-dimer shui ping bian hua. Jia YR,Ge XS,Zhang SF,Liu XL,Wang HC,Zhang GL. J Chin Pract Diagn Ther . 2013Jia YR, Ge XS, Zhang SF, Liu XL, Wang HC, Zhang GL. Gan ying hua bing men ...
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Gan ying hua bing men jing mai xue shuan huan zhe xue jiang xian wei dan bai yuan ji D-dimer shui ping bian hua (Article in Chinese) 来自 scienceopen.com 喜欢 0 阅读量: 53 作者:Y Jia,X Ge,S Zhang,X Liu,H Wang,G Zhang
英语翻译 【医】 cardiocirrhosis 分词翻译 心的英语翻译: heart; centre; feeling; intention; mind【医】 cardia-; cardio-; cor; heart 肝硬变的英语翻译: 【医】 cirrhosis; cirrhosis of liver; hepatitis interstitialis chronica hepatocirrhosis; Molten's disease; Pictow disease; Winton disease...
【医】 biliary diabetes; Hanot's cirrhosis; hypertrophic cirrhosis Todd's cirrhosis; unilobular cirrhosis 分词翻译 肥大的英语翻译: dilatancy; obesity; portliness【医】 auxano-; auxe; hypertrophia; hypertrophy; overgrowth 肝硬变的英语翻译: 【医】 cirrhosis; cirrhosis of liver; hepatitis interstitial...