The Gantt chart has undergone many and significant changes since its introduction a century ago. Today's Gantt charts include earned value analysis so that effective performance management can be accomplished. Which of the new presentation formats available may be a matter of personal preference, ...
In order to resolve the problem of graphic display for production dispatching result in the process of manufacturing execution system application, three methods of gantt chart generation based on web are disposed. Firstly, the core classes of JFreeChart component is introduced, and ChartDataSet class ...
In this paper we describe the design and implementation of a Gantt Chart visualization tool for visualizing multi-dimensional trace files, particularly traces from Message Passing Interface (MPI) programs and Apache servers. An MPI tracing library is developed for MPI programs, and an Apache server ...
Chart visualization for MPI and Apache multi-dimensional trace files - Gantt - 2002 () Citation Context ... project management domain, such as Gantt charts, which take into account scheduling artifacts and allow encoding of earliest/latest start/end times of tasks, as has already been used for...
Networking planningGantt chartDynamic controlThe modern fairs and exhibitions industry is time-based market competition. This paper presented a quantitative model of networking planning and Gantt chart for time management in procedure of convention and exhibition projects, which is the th...
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference: A Joint Meeting of the Eighth International Conference on Genetic Algorithms (ICGA-99) and the Fourth Annual Genetic Programming Conference (GP-99), July 13-17, 1999, Orlando, Florida, Volume 1...
Purpose: To present an Excel-based Gantt chart schedule builder that enables students to experiment with building schedules for single and parallel machine problems. Summary: The earliest due date rule is optimal for the scheduling problem for one machine with the objective of minimizing maximum ...