*A Gantt chart represents activities (Categories in your case) row by row and not stacked horizontally on a timeline
I've downloaded from Excel a Gant timeline template. I've deleted the info I didn't need to give me a base to work from thinking that wouldn't affect the functionality of the worksh... April_Kingston Oops, we need to change PeriodInPlan as well which gives...
Initially we have 2 projects to be looked at. 1. A project Gannt chart with dependencies and automation (including integration with flow/automate) 2. pulling data from one workbook to another when certain criteria is met in the parent workbook to auto po
If anyone has any tips on the grant chart layout or have any similar templates I would appreciate it! ","kudosSumWeight":0,"postTime":"2023-11-20T04:52:55.363-08:00","images":{"__typename":"AssociatedImageConnection","edges":[{"__typename":"AssociatedImageEdge","cursor":"MjQuMTF8...
Pivot Table from Excel Data Model => Excel >/= 2013 on Windows required EDITForgot to mention it's also possible to get short dates (23-01-04, ...23-01-15...) with a hidden helper row (to limit calculations in Conditionnal Formatting rules) on the sheet...
A Gantt chart represents activities (Categories in your case) row by row and not stacked horizontally on a timeline
*A Gantt chart represents activities (Categories in your case) row by row and not stacked horizontally on a timeline
Employee planned hours gant calendar Hello, We currently have a calendar list view that shows each consultant planned hours/day, there are 3 types of hours, ''free'' ''internal'' & ''work''. A day can consist of all 3 types of hours or ......
Pivot Table from Excel Data Model => Excel >/= 2013 on Windows required EDITForgot to mention it's also possible to get short dates (23-01-04, ...23-01-15...) with a hidden helper row (to limit calculations in Conditionnal Formatting rules) on the sheet...
The problem with this is that it does not really look like a calendar like the first one, and it's also missing some days like weekends, etc since the original list only has the days that are actually planned. If anyone has any tips on the grant chart layout or have any similar templ...