From masterful kingpins to brutal enforcers, renowned mobsters have held sway in the hidden world of nefarious pursuits and infamous gangsters. Renowned ...
Build speakeasies and illegal distilleries. Manage production chains and resource distribution. Smuggle goods from out of town and bribe the police to look the other way. Grow a powerful crew and keep your rivals under your thumb. Eliminate competition and rule the city. But most importantly, ke...
While City of Gangsters is a solid mafia management sim, the combat holds it back from greatness. Читатьполныйобзор (Открываетсявновойвкладке) TechRaptor Автор: Cody Peterson 7.5 / 10 City of Gangsters is strategy mafia management gam...
Smuggle goods from out of town and bribe the police to look the other way. Grow a powerful crew and keep your rivals under your thumb. Eliminate competition and rule the city. But most importantly, keep the money flowing.The year is 1920, the start of Prohibition in the USA. With ...
Build speakeasies and illegal distilleries. Manage production chains and resource distribution. Smuggle goods from out of town and bribe the police to look the other way. Grow a powerful crew and keep your rivals under your thumb. Eliminate competition and rule the city. But most importantly, ke...
1920年,美国颁布禁酒令。随着国会采取行动,很大一部分国民经济一夜之间变成了非法所得:酒吧和酒馆被勒令关闭,酿酒厂和啤酒厂寂静无声,经销商纷纷停业。但是,一个新时代即将来临,那就是走私贩、黑市、非法制造和团伙犯罪的镀金时代。 这就是你要来的地方。你在禁酒令颁布之初,雄心勃勃地来到了这座城市。在这座城市...