Loyalty is a universal value that most people understand the importance of. Through universal themes such as loyalty, gangster movies are able to humanize their characters and even encourage the audience to root for people they never would have supported in their daily life. If these movies didn...
Pistone, the film explores the blurred line between loyalty and betrayal in the world of organized crime. Both Depp and Pacino deliver exceptional performances, making this movie a standout addition to the genre. Released: 1997 Directed by: Mike Newell Also ranks #2 on The Best Gangster Bio...
Based on a remarkable true story, this gripping film follows an undercover FBI agent as he infiltrates one of New York's most powerful Mafia families. As he becomes more entrenched in their world, loyalty and duty blur, leading to a heart-wrenching finale. Featuring stellar performances from ...
When the truth finally dawned on Cady, around the fourth trip, she panicked: “That’s definitely illegal, that’s moving drugs! I was a drug trafficker and I had just gotten the news.” But she worried she was in too deep to back out. And she was too fearful to discuss the matter...
Considered one of the greatest films in the genre, it remains a captivating and poignant examination of loyalty, redemption, and the corrupting power of wealth and ambition. Released: 1984 Directed by: Sergio Leone Dig Deeper The Best 'Once Upon a Time in America' Quotes Also ranks #1 on ...