"Gangster Empire: Rise of the Mob" 1929 - Year of Chaos and Crime (TV Episode 2013) - Plot summary, synopsis, and more...
Gangster Empire: Rise of the Mob: Con Coby Batty, Matt K. Baker, Todd Barsness, James Christopher Cooke. Violence and corruption pulsed through the soul of the Gangster Empire during the heyday of Prohibition and the Atlantic City Boardwalk.
Gangster Empire: Rise of the Mob: With Coby Batty, Matt K. Baker, Todd Barsness, James Christopher Cooke. Violence and corruption pulsed through the soul of the Gangster Empire during the heyday of Prohibition and the Atlantic City Boardwalk.
黑帮帝国——黑手党的崛起 第一季 Gangster Empire Rise of the Mob Season 1第6集
Eddie Halstead is a man who has just inherited his father’s estate and realized there’s more to the property than meets the eye. Underneath the estate is a weed empire that Mickey Pearson built. With so many drugs at his disposal, Eddie tries his hand at venturing into the world of ...
James Cagney delivers an electrifying performance as a ruthless criminal determined to escape his past and build a new empire. Directed by Gordon Douglas, the film's intricate plot and relentless pace keep viewers on the edge of their seats. With its searing portrayal of ambition and corru...
Here is where he catches the eye of Newark detective and aspiring lawyer Richie Roberts (Russell Crowe), and he begins to investigate him, which could spell trouble for Frank’s unlikely empire. Boyz n the Hood (1991) Starring: Cuba Gooding Jr., Ice Cube, Lawrence Fishburne, Morris Chestnut...
All Italians would wish for a unified country, under self-rule, with the possibility of getting back to the glory of the Holy Roman Empire. [Mangione & Morreale, La Storia] Ah, but alas, in 1861, Garibaldi, their Italian Knight in shining Armor would come riding into town and liberate ...
When an American thinks of gangster movies, they often bring to mind classics such as The Godfather trilogy or Goodfellas. Hollywood has long featured the suave and dangerous men of organized crime, and while their focus is usually the Italian mob or the Russian mafia, any type of criminal ...
against the ruthless Al Capone and his criminal empire. The film brilliantly captures the moral ambiguity of the time, as Ness and his team resort to unconventional means to bring down their formidable foe. An all-star cast and expert filmmaking make this a must-watch for fans of gangster ...