2001. "The Proliferation of Gangs in the United States," in The Eurogang Paradox: Street Gangs and Youth Groups in the U.S. and Europe, edited by Malcom W. Klein, Hans-Jurgen Kerner, Cheryl L. Maxson and Elmar G.M. Weitekamp. Dordrecht, The Netherlands:Kluwer Academic Publishers....
(2001b). Young women's involvement in gangs in the United States: An overview. In Malcolm W. Klein, Hans-Jurgen Kerner, Cheryl L. Maxson, and Elmar G. M. Weitekamp (Eds.), The Eurogang paradox: Street gangs and youth groups in the U.S. and Europe (pp. 115-132). The Hague: ...
HISTORY OF STREET GANGS IN THE UNITED STATESIrish settled in great numbers, and up through the early twentieth century with the arrival of southern and eastern Europeans, the city has always been ...
2.1 Immigration There have been a large number of immigrants in the United States known as “melting pot”. Among the immigrants, in order of priority, the Irish, Italian, African, Mexican, and Chinese have their own gangs in America, which have taken up a large proportion of all the ...
Essay about Street Gangs in the United States Street gangs in this country can probably be traced back to the first wave of Europeans who migrated to the colonies for a better life for themselves and their families. Many of the first gangs were formed as a means of self protection, with ...
Essay about Street Gangs in the United States Street gangs in this country can probably be traced back to the first wave of Europeans who migrated to the colonies for a better life for themselves and their families. Many of the first gangs were formed as a means of self protection, with ...
There's a world out there that has a dark underbelly and is ruled by notoriouscriminal organizations. I'm talking about gangs right here in the United States. From the streets of New York to the boulevards of Los Angeles, these gangs have staked out their territories. They instill fear whe...
This book comprised of theories and findings from researchers concerning youth gangs in the United States, is organized into the following five parts: (1) Sociological and Anthropological Perspectives on the Gang and the Community; (2) Defining and Measuring Gang Violence; (3) Diffusion, Diversity...
There's a world out there that has a dark underbelly and is ruled by notoriouscriminal organizations. I'm talking about gangs right here in the United States. From the streets of New York to the boulevards of Los Angeles, these gangs have staked out their territories. They instill fear whe...
This NebGuide discusses the history and present status of gangs in the United States, the implications of their effects upon family life today and offers suggestions for intervention and prevention. There has been an explosion of awareness and concern about gang membership and gang activity in the...