Gangnam Blues is set in the 1970s, with political corruption and power struggles over the land in Gangnam as the backdrop of the movie. The story revolves around Jong-dae (Lee Min-ho) and Yong-gi (Kim Rae-won), two good friends who grew up together since young in an orphanage. They...
If any criticism can be held against Gangnam Blues, it would have to be that in first third of the movie, so many characters are introduced – all with similar motives and dressed in sharp black suits – that they almost become indistinguishable from one another. On first viewing it all be...
. It has to be said that the production design captures the details of the era perfectly. The high end production values of most Korean output recently almost seems to be a factor that’s taken for granted these days, butGangnam Bluesis a movie that reminds you of just how much work ...