Gang activity in American prisons has resulted in serious problems for prisoners and staff (e.g. Fong & Buentello 1991; Stevens 1997). This study assessed prisoners' perceptions of gang-event frequency in the U.K. Interviews with 360 prisoners from 9 prisons in England and Wales indicated ...
Prisons have been described as the final frontier for research on gangs and gang members. Criminological research in prisons is rare due to restricted acce
The act of engaging in criminal activity as a structured group is referred to in the United States as racketeering. Once a gang shifts from turf wars and organizes illegal activities with a money focus they have crossed the line and can be classified as an Organized Criminal Enterprise. "Crim...
criminal activity, including gang homicides; numbers and changes in numbers of gang members in each gang city during three decades; the number of gang members incarcerated in jails or prisons; school experience of gang members, including dropout rates; and other similarly complex sets of statistics...
U.S. sanctions Venezuela gang for spreading criminal activity across Latin America Millions of Venezuelans have fled the presidency of Nicolas Maduro, shown at a campaign rally in Caracas on Monday. Share MIAMI —The Biden administration on Thursday sanctioned Venezuela’s Tre...
"By disrupting gang leadership, we take aim at the head of the snake and seek to reduce violence and other criminal activity on our streets and in our jails and prisons." The investigation was a collaboration of local, state and federal law enforcement, including the FBI, U.S. Drug ...
As an attempt to break up AB gang activity, prison officials placed many of the top AB leaders in ultra-maximum security prisons such as Pelican Bay yet communications continued, including orders to kill snitches and rival gang members.
we knew it was time to leave. I dropped her off at her apt. and there was also some unusual activity around her mailboxes at that time. The mailman was there and one of her shady perp neighbors was giving him instructions in Spanish. My friend later found out the instructions had to ...
Define Gang Graffiti. Gang Graffiti synonyms, Gang Graffiti pronunciation, Gang Graffiti translation, English dictionary definition of Gang Graffiti. n. Drawings or inscriptions made on a wall or other surface, usually without permission and so as to be
"How to Monitor the Internet Sites Related to Your Community That May Have Gang Shout Outs and Gang-Related Activity (Recruiting, Gang Message Boards, etc)" "New Policies/Procedures We Need in Corrections to Deal More Effectively With Gangs/STG in the Next 10 years". "Things that Work and...