The novel microsporidian Cucumispora roeselii n. sp. displayed closest morphological and phylogenetic similarity to two previously described taxa, Cucumispora dikerogammari (Ovcharenko & Kurandina, 1987), and Cucumispora ornata Bojko, Dunn, Stebbing, Ross, Kerr & Stentiford, 2015. In addition to ...
Dietary supply with essential lipids affects growth and survival of the amphipod Gammarus roeselii. Limnologica 46, 109-115 (2014).Gergs, R., N. Steinberger, T. Basen, and D. Martin-Creuzburg. 2014. Dietary supply with essential lipids affects growth and survival of the amphipod Gammarus ...
No evidence for a genetic impoverishment of the indigenous amphipod Gammarus roeselii (Gervais, 1835) due to the invasion of Dikerogammarus villosus (Sowinsky, 1894) in Lake Constance Article 21 November 2018 Increased habitat fragmentation leads to isolation among and low genetic diversity within...
11. The behavioural change was associated with increased activity, which positively correlated with viral burden, potentially indicating some benefit to viral transmission through increased movement11. Many of the amphipod hosts in which putative nudiviruses have been reported are non-native or invasive ...
More recently, an unidentified ciliate has been observed histologically in the hemolymph of Gammarus roeselii (Bojko et al., 2017). These findings indicate that these parasites might be ubiquitous but poorly investigated. Given the ecological importance of amphipods and the possible high pathogenic...
Die Dauer der Pr~ikopula ist, wie HEINZt~(1932) ftir Gammarus pulex und Carinogammarus roeselii und KINNE (1953a) fiir Gammarus duebeni nachgewiesenhaben, temperaturabh~ngig. Sie betr~gt nach den Angaben yon KI~NZ und in 13bereinstimmung mit eigenen Beobachtungen bei 150C durchs&nittli...
with predation increasing as a function of invader body size. The detection of Type II FRs, significantly higher in large-bodied invaders, are indicative of the potential ecological impact ofD. villosus, with higher predation rates predictive of a depletive, potentially destabilising effect upon amphi...
roeselii individuals caught in the wild, as it was found in all tested individuals from two distinct populations. Furthermore, comparing multiple mt haplotypes from closely related individuals from the western-most part of the distribution range of G. roeselii allowed us to identify single ...
The interaction of microbial colonization with leaf litter breakdown by the shredder Gammarus roeselii was studied in the littoral of large Lake Constance. In a first step we studied selective feeding of gammarids on leaf litter from three different treatments. Littoral exposed, tap water exposed,...
roeseli (Rigaud and Moret, 2003; Moret et al., 2007; Tain et al., 2007). As a result, although both native and invasive amphipods are used by the parasite, native G. pulex/G. fossarum are more important to the parasite dynamics and can be considered a key host for P. laevis (...