Gammarus lacustris (Amphipoda) utilize submerged netting as a substrate and can be harvested by dislodging them into a bag net. In a Manitoba lake, average yield from 257 m of netting was 61.92 kg. The cost of harvest was about $0.80 per kg of G. lacustris. Only adult animals were ...
1972. Effects of Polymorphus (Acan- thocephala) on colour and behaviour of Gammarus lacustris. Nature, Lond., 238, 333.Hindsbo, O. ( 1972 ). Effects of Polymorphus (Acanthocephala) on colour and behaviour of Gammarus lacustris . Nature, Lond . 238 , 333 ....
213. McGrath CC and Matthews RA (2000) Cellulase activity in the freshwater amphipod Gammarus lacustris. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 19: 298–307. 214. McKinney T, Ayers AD, and Rogers RS (1999) Macroinvertebrate drift of a regulated river below Glen Canyon Dam, Arizona...
G. lacustris limnaeus was fed decomposed autumn-shed leaves of maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) and poplar (Populus tremuloides Michx). Fecal pellets were collected at various time intervals after egestion and examined under a light and a scanning electron microscope. Nearly all fecal pellets ...
(Gammarus lacustris) infected with the acanthocephalanPolymorphus paradoxusdisplay a peculiar clinging behavior. In the wild, uninfected gammarids normally reside down near the sand or mud bottom, where they spend much of their time in burrows. Infected gammarids, however, become positively ...
lacustris Family Hyalellidae Hyalella azteca, H. montezuma Family Pontoporeiidae Monoporeia affinis Order Isopoda Family Asellidae Asellus, Caecidotea, Lirceus Order Mysidacea Family Mysidae Mysis relicta, M. ...
Ökland KA (1969) On the distribution and ecology of Gammarus lacustris G. O. Sars in Norway, with notes on its morphology and biology. Nytt Mag Zool 17:111–152 Google Scholar Piscart C, Devin S, Beisel J-N et al (2003) Growth-related life-history traits of an invasive gammarid...
Using natural abundance 13C analysis, we have determined carbon isotopic turnover rates for the exoskeleton, internal viscera (without fore, mid and hind gut), whole body without gut contents and the whole body of the freshwater amphipod Gammarus lacustris, a widespread and abundant aquatic ...
Wudkevich K, Wisenden BD, Chivers DP, Smith RJF (1997) Reactions of Gammarus lacustris to chemical stimuli from natural predators and injured conspecifics. J Chem Ecol 23:1163–1173 Article CAS Google Scholar Download references Acknowledgements This study was financially supported by the German ...
Heat Shock Proteins in the Mechanisms of Stress Adaptation in Baikal Amphipods and Palaearctic Gammarus lacustris Sars II. Small HSP Family The role of low-molecular-weight (small) heat shock proteins (sHSPs) in the mechanisms of thermal and toxic resistance in fresh-water organisms was investi...