使用多生物标志物方法来评估AgNP和AuNP 40nm对G. fossarum的分子、细胞、生理和行为反应的长期影响。在存在食物的情况下,将G. fossarum暴露于0.5和5 µg L-1的CIT和PEGAgNPs和AuNPs 40nm接触15天。暴露动物中观察到银和金的显着吸收,但低于导致G. fossarum死亡的毒性阈值。银纳米颗粒(CIT-AgNPs和PEG-AgNPs 40n...
视觉中国提供小龙虾(Gammarusfossarum),聚集在隐藏在石头之间的水体底部,水下照片,埃森,北莱茵-威斯特伐利亚,德国正版高清图片下载和版权授权服务,可用于广告设计、配图、壁纸等场景,作品编号:VCG41N1347686055,尺寸为28.91 x 43.37 cm (11.38 x 17.07 in.),更多
Gammarus fossarum is an often-abundant crustacean detritivore that contributes importantly to leaf litter breakdown in oligotrophic, mainly heterotrophic, headwater streams. This species requires large amounts of Ca to moult, thus allowing growth and reproduction. Because resource quality is tightly coupled...
In this report, we present a new transcriptome assembly of Gammarus fossarum, an important amphipod species, widespread in Central Europe. RNA-Seq with Illumina HiSeq technology was used to analyse samples extracted from total internal tissues. We used the Trinity and Trinotate software suites for ...
fossarum, offering the possibility to apply population extrapolation on field-based data. Indeed, stage- or size-structured population dynamic models, following either matrix or differential equations formalism (Baird et al., 2007a; Kupisch et al., 2012; Coulaud et al., 2014) as well as ...
The actual connectivity between populations of freshwater organisms is largely determined by species biology, but is also influenced by many area- and site-specific factors, such as water pollution and habitat fragmentation. Therefore, the prediction of
We assessed the combined effects of temperature increase and exposure to toxins in laboratory experiments by using copper sulphate as a model substance and Gammarus fossarum Koch, 1835, as the model organism. This amphipod is a common representative of the European spring fauna and copper ions are...
In this thesis total dissolved metal concentrations in water and biomarkers of oxidative stress (electron transport system activity and lipid peroxidation) in indicator organism, gammaridae Gammarus fossarum, were evaluated. Biomonitornig was performed seasonally (February, April, July, November) at two...
2. Beracko P, Sýkorová A, and Štangler A (2012) Life history, secondary production and population dynamics of Gammarus fossarum (Koch, 1836) in a constant temperature stream. Biologia 67: 164–171. 3. Butler MJ and Hobbs HH (1982) Drift and upstream movement of invertebrates in a ...
The rate of survival and stress protein (hsc/hsp70) response were investigated in the freshwater amphipod, Gammarus fossarum Koch, 1835, during a 20-day stress and recovery experiment. Adult females and males, were separately exposed to 9 different cadmium concentrations for 5 days to simulate a...