Untersuchungen fiber Intersexualit it bei Gammarus duebeni (Crustacea, Amphipoda) HANS-PETER BULNHEIM Biologische Anstalt Helgoland, Zentrale, Harnburg-Altona ABSTRACT: Investigations on intersexuality in Gammarus duebeni (Crustacea,Amphipoda). A detailed analysis of intersexuality in Gammarus duebeni, ...
The less amorous Gammarus: predation risk affects mating deci- sions in Gammarus duebeni (Amphipoda). Animal Beha- viour 76: 1289-1295.Dunn, A. M., Dick, J. T. A. & Hatcher, M. 2008. The less amorous Gammarus: predation risk affects mating decisions in Gammarus duebeni (Amphipoda). ...
, 2010). Upwards to 91 % of a Gammarus duebeni population can be infected by different species of Microsporidia, but co-infections by other fungal species were not observed (Hogg et al., 2002; Krebes et al., 2010). Gammarus duebeni is also known to host a variety of other fungal ...
The amphipod Gammarus duebeni harbours several species of vertically transmitted microsporidian parasites. G. Duebeni were collected from 3 localities in the UK. Animals from Budle Bay, Northumberland, were infected with Octosporea effeminans, and those from Millport, Isle of Cumbrae and Fenham Fla...
Rapid fragmentation of microplastics by the freshwater amphipod Gammarus duebeni (Lillj.)MICROPLASTICSAMPHIPODAPOLYMER degradationPOLYETHYLENEAQUATIC ecologyMicroplastics have become ubiquitous in all environments. Yet, their environmental fate is still largely unknown. Plastic fragmentation is a key component of...
This paper describes the 1st part of an investigation into courtship and pair formation in the amphipod Gammarus duebeni. It covers the seasonal incidence of reproduction, the behavioral sequences during pairing and the relationship of f... RG Hartnoll,SM Smith - 《Annals & Magazine of Natural ...
Ober den Einflut der Photoperiode auf die Geschlechts- realisation bei Gammarus duebeni 1 HANS-PETER BULNHEIM Biologische Anstalt Helgoland, Zentrale, Hamburg 50 ABSTRACT: On the influence of the photoperiod on sex realization in Gamraarusduebeni. In the euryhaline amphipod Gammarus duebeni LILLJ.,...
, 2010). Upwards to 91 % of a Gammarus duebeni population can be infected by different species of Microsporidia, but co-infections by other fungal species were not observed (Hogg et al., 2002; Krebes et al., 2010). Gammarus duebeni is also known to host a variety of other fungal ...
In five marine species of the amphipod genus Gammarus (G. duebeni, G. zaddachi, G. salinus, G. oceanicus, and G. locusta) the electrophoretically defined variation at 19 loci in populations from the Baltic Sea and the Kattegat is compared. In four out of the five Gammarus species there...
For example, in Irish rivers, the invasive amphipod Gammarus tigrinus drift less than the native species Gammarus duebeni celticus and could therefore diminish its predation rate by drift feeders and ducks (MacNeil et al. 2003). Similarly, the usage of vegetation as preferred habitat by G. ...