../dates 'S1_deramp_TOPS_slave $1.RSLC_tab $1 20200415.vv.SLC_tab 5 1 1' # 裁剪研究区 dates 'SLC_copy $1.rslc.deramp $1.rslc.deramp.par $1.rslc $1.rslc.par - - 16000 15000 600 2800' #SLC_copy 20200415.rslc.deramp 20200415.rslc.deramp.par 2020041...
2.6.1 /截取SLC 影像文件 程序 SLC_copy 可以 并输入 SLC 影像用户定义区域。相对应地, MLI_copy 可以提取MLI 影像用户定义区域。 两个程序均可以生成更新后的ISP SLC 参数文件。该参数文件描述了新影像 文件的几何结构。程序计算了所选 SLC 影像区域的起始、中间和结束时间,近 地距、中心和远地距。输出 SLC...
For instance, within Astrocytes, the first subcluster (Astrocytes 1) was characterized by the presence of Gpc5, Atp1a2, Slc1a2, and Slc1a3 as markers, while the second subcluster (Astrocytes 2) exhibited Apoe, Clu, and Sparcl expression. Concerning Oligodendrocytes (OLs), three subclusters ...
For instance, within Astrocytes, the first subcluster (Astrocytes 1) was characterized by the presence of Gpc5, Atp1a2, Slc1a2, and Slc1a3 as markers, while the second subcluster (Astrocytes 2) exhibited Apoe, Clu, and Sparcl expression. Concerning Oligodendrocytes (OLs), three subclusters ...
Lentivirus production used packaging plasmids psPAX2 and pMD2.G (Addgene), and a third vector pLenti-SLC1A2-C-mGFP-P2A-Puro (Origene). Drug treatments In the experiments using γ-secretase modulators (GSMs), cells were treated with 20 nM GSM15606 [55], 3 μM GSM36 [71] or dimethyl...
Primary cells and cell lines. Mouse splenocytes were obtained from BALB/c mice (Japan SLC, Hamamatsu, Japan), after sacrifice. Spleens were excised, minced, and splenocytes were collected and used for in vitro exper- iments and for preparation of the hybridoma. Mouse myeloma SP-2...
SLC/PRI/MLI数据要么是采用GAMMA软件的MSP模块处理原始数据得到的, 要么是从数据处理商那里购买的。ISP软件包的处理程序都支持这两种格式的数 据。干涉测量处理将产生一批图像产品:干涉图(复数数据),解缠图像,相干 图像和强度图像(都是实数数据)。 首先准备的数据必须能够满足GAMMA软件支持的格式。为了克服这个困难, ...