The meaning of GAMMA RAY is a photon emitted spontaneously by a radioactive substance; also : a photon of higher energy than that of an X-ray.
J.Gregory Stacy, W.Thomas Vestrand, in Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology (Third Edition), 2003 II Sources of Cosmic Gamma Rays Our view of the gamma-ray sky has changed dramatically in recent years, and has been particularly influenced by the results obtained with the instruments...
Gamma rays are produced by the nuclei of isotopes undergoing disintegration because of their basic instability. Isotopes are varieties of the same chemical elements but have different atomic weights. A parent element and its isotopes both have an identical number of protons in their nuclei but a di...
Gamma ray, electromagnetic radiation of the shortest wavelength and highest energy. Gamma rays are produced in the disintegration of radioactive atomic nuclei and in the decay of certain subatomic particles. It includes some overlap with X-rays in the el
Keywords: Fermi bubbles; North Polar Spur; Loop I; Galactic halo; X-rays 1. IntroductionA supermassive black hole, the mass of which ranges from 105 to 1010 M◉, can be found in the center of almost all spiral and elliptical galaxies (e.g., [1...
Gamma rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation. They can be used to treat cancer, and gamma-ray bursts are studied by astronomers.
Cygnus Surprise: Gamma-rays From A Nova For The First Time (Citizen Science Found This One Too)News Staff
11A and G1. We note that the probability threshold adopted to associate a galaxy with a GRB is generally >1%, meaning that G1 withPcc ≈ 1.4% would be considered as the most probable host by any previous studies of GRB galaxies12,47. Moreover, in our spectroscopic observations we ...
J.Gregory Stacy, W.Thomas Vestrand, in Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology (Third Edition), 2003 III.B.1 Atmospheric Gamma Rays Gamma rays are produced in copious quantities in the upper atmosphere of the Earth as a consequence of cosmic-ray interactions. Balloon experiments rely typ...
emission, most frequently observed in the energy range between 100keV100keV and 11MeV and characterized by fast and strong variability [8], followed by a smoothly decaying afterglow phase, which can be detected from the radio and optical frequencies all the way up to energetic 𝛾γ rays. The...