It predominantly studied X-rays, but also observed gamma-ray bursts. 該衛星主要是研究X射線,但也觀測伽瑪射線爆。 LASER-wikipedia2 Even hard X-rays and gamma rays can be reflected at shallow angles with special "grazing" mirrors. 甚至硬X射线和伽马射线在角度较浅时,也可以被“擦边”镜反射...
WikiMatrix Max, I was hoping to understand gamma ray bursts Max, je voudrais comprendre comment les rayons gamma s' enflamment opensubtitles2 They have only the time between the gamma ray bursts to complete their work. Ils n'ont que le temps entre deux pics de rayons gamma pour acc...
将“gamma ray"翻译成荷兰文 gammastraling, Gamma Ray是“gamma ray"到 荷兰文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:It emits gamma rays which, when activated, disables all electrical equipment. ↔ De gammastraling schakelt bij activering telefoons en camera's uit. ...
WikiMatrix In cosmology and astronomy the phenomena of stars, nova, supernova, quasars and gamma-ray bursts are the universe's highest-output energy transformations of matter. Kozmoloji ve astronomide; yıldız, nova, süpernova, gökcisimleri ve gama ışık patlaması olayla...
For every 300 gamma-ray bursts that go off only one is pointed in our direction, and so we only see 1 of those 300. Gerçekleşen her 300 gamma-ışını patlamasından yalnızca biri bize dönük oluyor. Dolayısıyla 300 patlamadan yalnızca birini görebili...
伽瑪射線爆監視系統(Gamma-ray Burst Monitor, GBM)偵測由伽玛射线暴和太陽耀斑突然發出的伽瑪射線閃光。 The Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) (formerly GLAST Burst Monitor) detects sudden flares of gamma-rays produced by gamma ray bursts and solar flares. WikiMatrix ◆优越的耐腐蚀、耐化学品 ◆耐...
A very-high-energy component deep in the γ-ray burst afterglow. Nature 2019, 575, 464–467. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed] [Green Version] Fishman, G.J.; Meegan, C.A. Gamma-Ray Bursts. Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 1995, 33, 415–458. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] ...
Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are intense and short-lived cosmic explosions. Miniaturised CubeSat-compatible instruments for the study of GRBs are being developed to help bridge the gap in large missions and assist in achieving full sky coverage. CubeSats are small, compact satellites conforming to a ...