The influence of ionising radiation (Beta/gamma) on various polymers based on the result of the cytotoxicity testcytotoxicitymedical devicesplastic materialgamma irradiationbeta irradiationThese results enable the manufacturers to select suitable raw materials for their medical devices prior to their ...
·CEN,BelgianNuclearResearchCentre Boeretang200,B-2400Mol,Belgium Abstract—Predictingtheresponseofcomponentsorsystemsex- posedtoionisingradiationisoftenverydifficult.Reliableradia- tiontoleranceestimatesthereforetypicallyrelyonextendedra- diationexperiments.SCK·CEN,theBelgianNuclearResearch ...
Arthur A.Gertzman, ...MichaelDunn, inSterilisation of Tissues Using Ionising Radiations, 2005 MATERIALS AND METHODS The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect ofgamma irradiationsterilisation (15 kGy) on the physical and osteoinductive properties of three different lots of MTFdemineralised...
What is alpha (α) radiation? Description 2 neutrons, 2 protons Note:– An alpha particle is the same as a helium nucleus Electric charge +2 Relative atomic mass 4 Penetrating power Stopped by paper or a few centimetres of air Ionizing effect Strongly ionizing Effect of magnetic/ electric fie...
(1 Torr) and dehydration conditions. The main objective was to assess the possibility for long-term survival of Earth-bound microorganisms in the subsurface of Martian regolith or inside small space bodies at constant absorption and accumulation of the gamma radiation dose. Investigated microbial ...
Effect of ionising (gamma) radiation on female Anopheles arabiensis. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2017;111:38-40.Dandalo LC, Kemp A, Koekemoer LL, Munhenga G. Effect of ionising (gamma) radiation on female Anopheles arabiensis. Trans R Soc Trop Med H. 2017;111:38-40....
Ionising radiations were measured through gamma and X ray global counting. Environmental material radioactivity was characterized by in-situ and laboratory gamma spectrometry. Alpha, gamma and X ray dosimetric measurements were done indoor and outdoor, in daytime and at night. From this work, the ...
Probe (a) is located in a removable sheath permeable to the radiation being measured but protecting the probe from rain or gas. Each probe (a) can be inserted in a tubular reader (b) contg. measuring devices for monitoring the photoluminescent glass- and other sensors in probe (a). An ...
Static electric fields interfere in the viability of cells exposed to ionising radiation Int. J. Radiat. Biol., 85 (2009), pp. 314-321 CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar Cited by (2) Radioprotective effect of Malva sylvestris L. against radiation-induced liver, kidney and intestine damages ...
The mRNA levels in the samples were estimated by real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), as previously described[32]. In brief, 10 × 106murine splenic lymphocytes were treated with PSHE (50 µg/mL) and exposed to 4 Gy ionising radiation and harvested at 24 h intervals. Cells wer...