文本转 PPT(Text to deck) 演示功能(Presentation) 模版功能 总结 Gamma 是一种展示想法的新媒介。利用它可以轻松地创建漂亮、引人入胜的内容,而不需要任何格式和设计工作。 前言 PowerPoint 可以说是大家都非常熟悉的一款幻灯片制作软件,而要制作出精美的幻灯片不仅需要大量时间调整格式和动画,还需要掌握大量的技巧...
If you’re signing up for the first time, be sure to check your email for a confirmation link and click it to complete the registration process. Creating a Presentation Now, you can create your first presentation: After sign up create your workspace. Step 2. Start a New Presentation Once ...
Browse Templates Explore Integrations These resources provide a comprehensive guide to maximizing the benefits of usingGamma app presentationfor all your presentation and content creation needs. Last Updated: 02/27/25 Related Apps Essential Building Blocks for Voice AI ...
点击Guide之后,会让你做个选择:用来生成Presentation、Document或Webpage。PPT/Document/Webpage Webpage ...
Use layouts and imagery to make your presentation stand out. 整体特点: 重协作 允许线上编辑,邀请同伴一起编辑 可以查看 Analytics,获取访问者停留时长等等 用分享链接等方式增长用户,将新用户留在自己的生态里 篇幅:暂时只支持10页以内 本土化呈现 根据不同语言有一些本土化视觉呈现表达,英文版本 emoji 的使用...
Export options:Presentations can be exported as PDF or PowerPoint files, but direct export to Google Slides is not available. You must download the presentation as a PPT file first to use it in Google Slides. Tip:If you plan to export your presentation as a PowerPoint file, change the page...
如果驱动程序支持灰度演示(即,驱动程序公开 D3DCAPS3 功能选项 D3DCAPS3_LINEAR_TO_SRGB_PRESENTATION),则应进行灰度校正演示。 此测试通过使用灰度 2.2 校正对参考图像进行后处理,来验证输出是否正确。 如果驱动程序声明不支持灰度演示,则测试将验证是否未发生灰度校正。
Text to deck:转换您的大纲、笔记或整个文档或文章。 New with AI Guide 点击Guide之后,会让你做个选择:用来生成Presentation、Document或Webpage。 PPT/Document/Webpage Webpage 我们这里选择Webpage,生成一个网页分享内容。我输入巧克力,让其生成巧克力相关内容。
Import a fileif you are building on an existing Google or Word Doc or a presentation made with Powerpoint or Google Slides. Opt for this to give the AI model extensive guidance it will apply in making your new deck. Pricing Gamma’s free plan lets you create an unlimited number of prese...
and Slack. CEO Grant Lee says Gamma aims to push organizations past the PowerPoint era.Fast Companyspoke with Lee about how it’s persuaded people to make 60 million decks with Gamma and how it aims to stand out in the crowded arena of online presentation tools. The conversation has been ...