Gamma PNA Gamma(γ)-PNA 西安齐岳生物 Gamma PNA: Gamma(γ)-PNA是经过修饰的PNA,是通过对主链gamma(γ)-carbon位点进行修饰,而使其具有立体中心。由于立体中心的存在,gamma-PNA能够形成自身α-螺旋结构,进而减少了自我聚集现象,提高了水溶性以及与靶标DNA序列的结合力。 并且,每替换一个γ位点,Tm值可以提高5...
Gamma PNA: Gamma(γ)-PNA是经过修饰的PNA,是通过对主链gamma(γ)-carbon位点进行修饰,而使其具有立体中心。由于立体中心的存在,gamma-PNA能够形成自身α-螺旋结构,进而减少了自我聚集现象,提高了水溶性以及与靶标DNA序列的结合力。 并且,每替换一个γ位点,Tm值可以提高5〜8°C,使其具有更强的序列结合力。 ...
A category of γPNA miniprobes and chimeric γPNA probes is especially useful for detecting RNA and telomeric DNA in a cell sample. In particular, the probes can be used to deliver fluorescent dyes to the telomeres, allowing direct visualization of telomeres in cells.Armitage, Bruce A....
Gamma PNA Gamma(γ)-PNA 西安齐岳生物 Gamma PNA: Gamma(γ)-PNA是经过修饰的PNA,是通过对主链gamma(γ)-carbon位点进行修饰,而使其具有立体中心。由于立体中心的存在,gamma-PNA能够形成自身α-螺旋结构,进而减少了自我聚集现象,了水溶性以及与靶标DNA序列的结合力。 并且,每替换一个γ位点,Tm值可以5?8°C,...
sense therapies and molecular diagnostics47,48, we hypothesized that the resulting higher binding affinity due to the pre-organized helical arrangement of (R)-diethylene glycol (mini-PEG) containingγPNA would enable it to be used for the formation of complex nucleic acid nanostructures in organic ...
Gamma PNA Gamma(γ)-PNA 西安齐岳生物 价格面议 Gamma,γ,PNA 立即拨号 二手珈玛Gamma LV-1000L 立式加工中心 货号:84365 ¥ 1688.00 /台 二手珈玛Gamma,LV,1000L,立式加工中心,二手立式加工中心,立式加工中心,加工中心 立即拨号 尚合化学 GAMMA-丁内酯-3-基异丁烯酸酯 130224-95-2 ¥ 95.00 /千克 ...
A category of γPNA miniprobes and chimeric γPNA probes is especially useful for detecting RNA and telomeric DNA in a cell sample. In particular, the probes can be used to deliver fluorescent dyes to the telomeres, allowing direct visualization of telomeres in cells.ARMITAGE BRUCE A....
different DNA helical structures and current methods to recognize B-DNA are provided as background information.;Chapter II includes the monomer synthesis and oligomer synthesis of gammaPNA, conformational analyses of single stranded gammaPNA, hybridization properties and thermodynamic parameters of gammaPNA...
Biochemistry Development of conformationally-preorganized gamma-Peptide Nucleic Acid (gammaPNA) for recognition of double helical B-form DNA (B-DNA) CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY Danith Ly HeGaofeiResearch described in this thesis was focused on the development of a new class of γ-substituted Peptide ...
ORTHOGONAL GAMMA PNA DIMERIZATION DOMAINS EMPOWERING DNA BINDERS WITH COOPERATIVITY AND VERSATILITY MIMICKING THAT OF THE TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR PAIRScooperative effectsDNA recognitiongene expressionhelical structurespeptide nucleic acidsA pair of pyrrole-imidazole polyamides conjugated with nucleic acid-based ...