Reset on Close Default: false Reset the gamma value to default when Minecraft closes. Dependencies Required: Fabric API Cloth Config API Fabric (Is required to make the config work) Optional: Mod Menu (This mod allows you to edit the configs in game)About...
Reset the gamma value to default when Minecraft closes. Dependencies From 1.19 onwards this mod no longer includes Cloth Config Required: Fabric API Cloth Config API(Is needed to make the config work) Optional: Mod Menu(This mod allows you to edit the configs in game) Older Versions: 1.16 -...
Minecraft: Java Edition 1.19.2 Platforms Supported environments Creators wOwner Details This modpack restores the feel and gameplay of the golden age of Minecraft. This uses the wonderful Developer Art: Classic resource pack, as well as the fantastic Nostalgic Tweaks mod -- all nice and preconfigu...
Open opened this issueMay 16, 2022· 13 comments It's a known bug with the way the mod stores and/or restores (or doesn't) the gamma value after game start. It just doesn't apply properly when the game starts. Ok, well, the bug didn't start showing up for me until this most ...
How to include this mod Repository: Artifact: info.u-team:gjeb-${config.forge.mcversion}:${config.gjeb.version} {config.forge.mcversion} is the minecraft version. {config.gjeb.version} is the gjeb version. Using in Forge Gradle 3: repositories { maven { url = "htt...