文本转 PPT(Text to deck) 演示功能(Presentation) 模版功能 总结 Gamma 是一种展示想法的新媒介。利用它可以轻松地创建漂亮、引人入胜的内容,而不需要任何格式和设计工作。 前言 PowerPoint 可以说是大家都非常熟悉的一款幻灯片制作软件,而要制作出精美的幻灯片不仅需要大量时间调整格式和动画,还需要掌握大量的技巧...
Gamma.app是一种由AI驱动的新媒介,可以快速生成工作演示文稿、文档或网页,无需格式和设计工作。它具有美丽的品牌化PPT、简洁的上下文和简洁、直观、互动的特点,可以嵌入任何内容,包括GIF、视频、看板和网站。此外,它还具有内置分析工具、快速反应和评论功能,可以在任何设备上与用户互动。免费试用Gamma app。想看更多AI...
目前不支持PowerPoint或Google Slides导出,但将在未来探索此功能。 Embed:启用公共访问以在任何在线位置嵌入演示文稿的副本。 Share Text to deck 在此模式下,您可以给出详细的指示并编写自己的提纲。结果可能需要更长时间,您可能需要尝试几次才能做到完美。 Text to deck Provide instructions:它也提供了几个指示例子,...
In this article, we will explore the AI PPT maker, Gamma.app, which can help you effortlessly create stunning presentations and websites. Whether you’re a student, teacher, or content creator, this tool is going to save you a lot of time and energy. In this step-by-step guide, we’...
Tip:If you plan to export your presentation as a PowerPoint file, change the page style to “Traditional.” How to change the page style in Gamma App Engagement Tracking:Gamma offers built-in analytics to track how many times presentations have been viewed or interacted with, offering insights...
2023年3月,微软宣布将Microsoft 365接入GPT-4,Microsoft 365 Copilot横空出世,当你在使用Office办公软件(Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Outlook、Teams等)时,在侧边栏上召唤Copilot(直译:副驾驶,它是一款智能聊天机器人),帮助大家完成很多任务。 在Word中输入主题或标题,Copilot将为您生成一份初稿,您可以根据需要进行编辑...
In the following sections, I will show you all the easy ways to type or insert this symbol (Γ) anywhere on your Windows or Mac PC (such as Word or Excel or PowerPoint). In a couple of minutes, I’ll explain several methods you can use to get this (Γ) and any other symbol as...
Next update to Windows 10 Expected run time (in minutes) 15 Category Compatibility Timeout (in minutes) 900 Requires reboot false Requires special configuration false Type automaticAdditional documentationTests in this feature area might have additional documentation, including prerequisites, setup, and tr...
This test is similar to the standard Present Validation test. The difference is that Present Validation 2 resets the device into a state where the back buffer and the front buffer have different formats (if the call to the CheckDeviceFormatConversion method was successful). The test performs a...