I sold the last of my Pokemon cards (a complete set of Base, Jungle, Fossil, and Theme Decks) to a buyer who was quite excited to find the small collection I had assembled. Having caught all the Pokemon, it was time to retire the Pokedex and flop on the couch to enjoy a game. T...
✅ You see yourself upgrading to an eGPU in the future: It's going to cost a pretty penny to grab the eGPU at the same time as the Z13, but if you see a future where you're using the external dock for desk-based play, this is an excellent first step. Don't buy it if: ...
The Asus ROG Azoth is a mechanical keyboard that looks to the DIY world without diving into it entirely, offering a high-level experience and especially in line with the price at which it is sold in terms of quality of materials and ease of use, but it tends to be more expensive than ...
I eventually sold it for a small profit and used the money to buy my true first love—the Apple II+. It's kinda crazy to think how far we've come since then—and even crazier to imagine how far we might still go. So, what was your first computer? Do you still have it? If ...
How do I choose the best gaming laptop for me? Power or portability? You’ll need to consider what type of gaming and where you’ll be doing it before you decide what’s the best gaming laptop for you. Do you plan to mostly play triple-A demanding games at home and on a desk, bu...
ROG Strix Scope II 96 Wireless is a full-function gaming keyboard packed into a 96% efficient layout to free up your desk space. It features a tri-mode connection with ROG SpeedNova wireless technology and ROG Omni Receiver. The Strix Scope II 96 Wireless also comes with hot-swappable pre...
✖️You need to be on the go:Just... no. This thing is close to 10 pounds and survives under 3 hours in battery life. Keep this at a desk. MSI has always taken a kitchen sink approach to its flagship gaming laptops, and we're not complaining when you get something as powerful...
Though the caveat to that is you're wasting your near $400 on this case if you're going to stick it on the floor and not have it sat atop your desk where you can gaze lovingly across at it every now and then. That's what I've been doing ever since I built a rig into this ...
which my little deaf wiener dog Kunoichi absolutely despises and growls at even if it’s sitting still on my desk. I’ve walked into my bedroom more than once to see her up on my bed and snarling at it because she can see the Slinky being used as a paperweight. We assume she thinks...
So upon asking the vendor about it they ultimately sold it to me for below what it goes for online these days. These green Snakemen carded figures rarely ever seemed to show up in Connecticut back in 2004 so I’ve been picking them up whenever I can find a good deal. Canvas Quest ...