Gamete (biology definition): a mature haploid reproductive cell as produced by gametogenesis, and that which fuses with another from the opposite sex at fertilization resulting in the formation of a zygote that develops into a new individual. Etymology: from Ancient Greek γαμετή (gamet...
Explore Biology Topic reproduce mandible krill creature cortisone genetic fingerprinting sucker algae stem cell protoplasm arm cholesterol oviparous heredity microorganism flatulence propagate nectar nutrient antitoxin aerobic circulation integument digestion blind nervous ...
Biology Bonanza Molecular reproduction The sequence of bases in a DNAmoleculeserves as a code by whichgeneticinformation is stored. Using this code, the DNA synthesizes one strand of ribonucleic acid (RNA), a substance that is so similar structurally to DNA that it is also formed by template ...
Furthermore, given that the biological definition of the sexes is based on a difference in gamete size, the theory is also an explanation for the evolutionary origin of females and males in an ancestral, broadcast spawning population. This transition has major consequences for subsequent evolution,...