据外媒 GamesBeat 线下调查,GameStop 的 Xbox Series X/S 备货并不乐观,大部分商店表示,他们手头的 PlayStation 5 数量几乎是 Series X 的两倍,数字版 PS5 的数量也几乎是 Series S 的两倍。考虑到 Xbox 近来好消息的刺激,Xbox Series 很可能出现供应紧张。根据 GamesBeat 的 Jeff Grubb 报道,GameStop 员...
Xbox Series S是新的诺基亚?在交通事故里救了玩家一命 在社交媒体上,一位玩家分享了自己如何在骑自行车时被卡车撞倒后如何幸存,并表示自己是被在自己背包里的 Xbox Series S 救了一命。 在帖子中,玩家 Bradon J 解释道,他当时正在从游戏零售店GameStop骑车回家的路上,并被一辆卡车撞倒。虽然他设法自救,但最终...
GameStop官方在当地时间3月26日再次向投资人重申,新冠肺炎疫情应当不会影响新一代主机PlayStation 5和Xbox Series X按原计划在2020年底发售。 在股东电话会议上,GameStop首席执行官George Sherman表示,目前没有迹象表明新冠流行病会影响两台新一代主机在第四季度的发售日程,GameStop仍将按时从制造商处拿到货物并运入...
According to GameStop CEO George Sherman, both the Xbox Series X and PS5 are still expected to be ready for Holiday 2020. The news was shared via an earnings conference call (thanksIGN), where the CEO mentioned that "as of now," there's been "no indication of any impact on the produc...
Xbox Wireless Controller Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One - Mineral Camo Special Edition | GameStop 超值好货。最新爆款商品折扣 Xbox Series X 无线手柄 69.99 北美省钱快报抢好货, 每日必抢都在这里
根据GameStop的消息,在2019年11月至20201月4日的9周中,GameStop的营收为18.3亿元,较去年同期下降了27.5%,商店销售额同比也下降了24.7%,这对于GameStop来说是很不好的结果。因为在去年的圣诞假期销售季GameStop的销售额还是增长了1.5%的。 GameStop解释在年末圣诞假期销售额下降是由于“整体趋势影响了视频游戏产业”...
GameStop官方在当地时间3月26日再次向投资人重申,新冠肺炎疫情应当不会影响新一代主机PlayStation 5和Xbox Series X按原计划在2020年底发售。 在股东电话会议上,GameStop首席执行官George Sherman表示,目前没有迹象表明新冠流行病会影响两台新一代主机在第四季度的发售日程,GameStop仍将按时从制造商处拿到货物并运入...
Trade-In Program We provide our customers with an opportunity to trade-in their pre-owned video game products in our stores in exchange for cash or in-store credit which can be applied towards the purchase of other products. We believe this process drives our higher market share, particularly...
We tested this trick four times and each time we succeeded in getting a next-gen console into our cart. (We tested it with an Xbox Series X, but there's no reason why it shouldn't work with a PS5). Other PS5 retailer tips to follow include: Get prepared: Make sure you have all...
Retailer GameStop has announced that a limited number of PS5 and Xbox Series X|S console bundles will become available later today. Although released last November, the next-gen consoles are still hard to come by. This also applies to the Nintendo Switch, which launched back in 2017, but ...