If you’re looking for detailed info regarding a store/game/preorder or anything else, you’re better off saving a link to your PUR account or the GameStop website to your phone’s browser. more game_slave26 , 03/09/2021 Love the company but the app needs work I absolutely love...
including due to supply chain disruptions on account of trade restrictions, political instability, labor disturbances and product recalls; the timing of release and consumer demand for new and pre-owned products; our ability to continue to expand, and successfully open and operate new stores for our...
By comparing account numbers shown in screenshots by apes transferring their shares to ComputerShare, a rough estimate of accounts has been derived. This is similar to apes in late 2020 tracking GameStop's orders leaked by their website's incremental integer-based order number system (as opposed...
billing information mismatch, or a possible issue with your bank or card provider. We recommend checking your details and ensuring they match exactly with your bank records. You should also confirm if there's enough funds in your account to cover the purchase. After confirming these details, you...
I placed an order online, the tracking is sayings it's been delivered but I NEVER received it. I was told a refund would be made in 3-5 days after the claim, that I couldn't get a replacement, but I never received it back. When I emailed, they told me I would have to file a...
Changing carriers could have a negative effect on our business and operating results due to the negative impact on customer experience, including reduced visibility of order status and package tracking and delays in order processing and product delivery, and we may be unable to engage alternative ...
In January 2021, the stock price of NASDAQ-listed GameStop Corporation surged more than twenty-fold for no discernible economic reason. Many observers attr
Changing carriers could have a negative effect on our business and operating results due to the negative impact on customer experience, including reduced visibility of order status and package tracking and delays in order processing and product delivery, and we may be unable to engage alternative ...