之前可能还有些玩家在Gamestop那里购买《姆吉拉的面具》New 3DS XL套装没有成功,原因是网站的系统出现了问题,如果玩家已经接受到电子邮件购买确认的话,那就大可放心,不用去eBay淘高价机子了。
3DS平台本来就只有3G没有3。顺便美版不出4只出4G。 jammy9319830 耀西宝贝 8 注意不要玩太狠 mjyigeren 耀西宝贝 8 美版是没有g的,美版的怪物猎人就叫u。怪物猎人的美版一直比日版要晚出。美版的怪物猎人4u是直接跳过日版的mh4,是4g的美版相当于给国外人省了一笔钱 杀戮机器6号 瓦里奥 10 为什么...
外媒Dudalshockers为我们带来一则好消息,今天起GameStop所有3DS XL都将优惠30美元发售。所有打折款机型都可以在GameStop商店买到;消费者现在可以在网上购买黑色版3DS XL以及NES独占版3DS。 这次30美元打折活动将持续到1月13日结束。
New 3DS XL (红/黑) $179.99 《任天堂明星大乱斗WiiU》+《Splatoon》 +WiiU同捆套装 $279.99 黄金塞尔达传说New 3DS XL $199.99 (GameStop独家) SMT 《恶魔幸存者2》和《女神异闻录Q》均为$29.99 Ike Amiibo 30周年马里奥Snowglobe $8.99 k73点评:看来今年官方对于任天堂商品的折扣优惠相当到位,《任天堂明星...
今天室友和我说要卖掉..今天室友和我说要卖掉他的3ds xl买鞋前几月200刀入的想要150出我不失礼貌的笑了笑上GameStop 查了一下回收价值35刀凉了
one time I need to return a Nintendo New 3DS XL Hyrule Gold Edition brand new that I purchase in a store in New Jersey. the system was brand new factory sealed and the employee ho sold me the system informs me that if the item is not open I can returned at any game stop around un...
Watch out! Tell you what, had Kirby stayed as a 2/13 release it woulda been Christmas all over again- new3DS XL, MH4U, Zelda Majora's Mask, Ace Combat Assault Horizon Legacy, AND Kirby Rainbow Curse all in one glorious day. As for Metroid Prime Trilogy, the way ...
you are looking for hot bargains. Items you can purchase on the website include Xbox One games, Xbox game systems, PS3 games, Switch, Xbox 360 games, PS3 games and accessories, PC games, Wii U games, 3DS games, among others. There are also gift cards and subscriptions to choose from...
The store will also be among those where you can get a $100 New 3DS.Civilization VI Game-wise, No Man's Sky, Doom, Fallout 4, Rainbow Six Siege, Dark Souls III, Mortal Kombat XL, Recore, and Just Cause 3 are all marked down to $20. At the $40 tier, you'll find the likes ...