在本周Xbox 360市场正式关闭后,玩家们纷纷缅怀这款主机带给他们的美好回忆以及与好友共度的游戏时光。然而,游戏零售商GameStop却以一种讽刺的方式在社交媒体上对玩家们进行了“问候”。GameStop在Twitter上发布了一条消息,调侃道:“你们都希望当初买了实体版游戏了吧?”接着,他们建议道,“那就去买实体版吧。
Gamestop买的..求各位大神看看是怎么回事,谢谢啦!驱动显示是Gamepad for Xbox360,点击更新后和安装微软官方的驱动都不行,求救啊!
GameStop announced a program today that will make it easier for Xbox 360 users to upgrade select Xbox 360 games to the new Xbox One versions this holiday. It’s truly a great time to be a gamer. Please visit your local GameStop or go to www.gamestop.com for more info. Additional ...
GAMESTOP DROPS USED XBOX 360, PS3 PRICESThe article reports that gaming retailer GameStop will cut the price of used Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 consoles from October 11 to 24, 2013.Tribbey, ChrisHome Me...
纵然抛开PS2的种种辉煌,期间诞生的游戏机还包括无数人的童年回忆——GBA与PSP,以及继任的三公主和财大气粗的搅局者XBOX 360。毫无疑问,那是个属于玩家的时代,那就是最好的游戏时光。雷军曾说过:站在风口上,猪也能飞起来!很显然,这十年正是游戏行业绝无仅有的风口,同时GameStop也比猪聪明太多——他们...
This new external drive is designed to complement the Xbox color scheme and is set up for an easy plug-and-play connection with an Xbox One or Xbox 360 gaming console. "With all of the new and amazing titles expected for this holiday season and a ton more games coming in the future, ...
SteelSeries Partners with GameStop for the Exclusive North American Launch of the Arctis Nova 4 for PlayStation & Xbox - The Arctis Nova 4 provides accessible, affordable wireless freedom for all platforms - CHICAGO – May 16, 2023 –From the creator of the groundbreaking Arctis line of ...
Microsoft has tested out offering consoles on a subsidized basis; the $99 Xbox 360 was even sold at GameStop. Do you think this pricing model could be a way forward for consoles? Some customers enjoy the subsidized pricing model, while others prefer to pay full price. With that in mind,...
awful for players: just in Xbox terms, think of the millions of 360, physical only games that'd disappear overnight Exactly. And the employees. But not many people think of those things. They just focus on the fact they don't get $60 trade on the game they paid $60 for, without re...
XBox Game Pass Ultimate 3 Months of Access: $26.99 (40% off) All LEGO Sets: 20% off Holiday Apparel, Calendars and Ornaments: 40% off Trading Cards: BOGO 50% off Sale analysis There are some differences and similiarites between this year's and last year's Black Friday ads for GameSto...