2.《宝可梦:剑/盾(Pokémon Sword / Shield)》 预计2019年11月15日发售 3.《最终幻想7:重制版(Final Fantasy VII Remake)》 预计2020年3月3日发售 4.《赛博朋克2077(Cyberpunk 2077)》 预计2020年4月16日发售 5.《无主之地3(Borderlands 3)》 预计2019年9月13日发售 6.《塞尔达传说:梦见岛(The Legend...
以下游戏是E3 2019过后预购数量的Top10: 1.《Call of Duty: Modern Warfare》 预计2019年10月25日发售; 2.《Pokémon Sword / Shield》 预计2019年11月15日发售; 3.《Final Fantasy VII Remake》 预计2020年3月3日发售; 4.《Cyberpunk 2077》 预计2020年4月16日发售; 5.《Borderlands 3》 预计2019年9...
Final Fantasy VII Remake was announced years ago as a PlayStation 4 game, but there has been no official word from Square Enix about it being an actual exclusive. We'd be surprised if it was, frankly, given that both Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts III launched day and date on Xb...
Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade will be released in a little over a week. Fans are eagerly awaiting this release so that they can play the next chapter in the story featuring Yuffie. The brand new content is actually called FF7R Episode Intermission, where you will play as Yuffie as sh...
If you're tired of hearing about "GameStop exclusives" that don't apply to your region and happen to be located in Canada, we've got some exciting news to share thatmightpotentially make a difference in the future. EB Games' parent company GameStop has announced it will rebrand ever...
以下游戏是E3过后预购数量的Top10: 1.《使命召唤16:现代战争(Call of Duty: Modern Warfare)》 预计2019年10月25日发售 2.《宝可梦:剑/盾(Pokémon Sword / Shield)》 预计2019年11月15日发售 3.《最终幻想7:重制版(Final Fantasy VII Remake)》 预计2020年3月3日发售...