Example 1: Repeat Example 1 ofTukey-Kramer Testusing the Games-Howell test. We repeat the same steps as we used in Example 1 ofTukey-Kramerexcept that we choose theGames-Howelloption. The output of the test is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 – Games-Howell Data Analysis Note that the gro...
Performs Games-Howell test, which is used to compare all possible combinations of group differences when the assumption of homogeneity of variances is violated. This post hoc test provides confidence intervals for the differences between group means and shows whether the differences are statistically sig...
aGames–Howell tests were used when variances were heterogeneous (Levene’s test), and Tukey’s tests were used when variances were homogeneous. 使用了比赛Howell测试,当变化是异种的(Levene的测试),并且使用了Tukey的测试,当变化是同类的。[translate]...
It seems like this is not possible with this test in the following way: oneway(x= data$precipitation * data$segment, y = data$rating, posthoc = 'games-howell') (the ratings range from 1 to 5, precipitation is a dummy variable and there are 3 segments (countries with low, medium ...
Hi, I am trying to undertake the Games-Howell test with the Add-in, however always receive the error notificiation: "Argumentwert ist ungültig bei Zugriff oder Auswertung von group1 , group1/*###*/" (sorry, it is in German - it says something like argumentation value is i...
Tukey’s studentized range distribution, denoted q. The Games-Howell test is performed on the ranked variables similar to other nonparametric tests. Since the Games-Howell test does not rely on equal variances and sample ...
I can not, however find any vignette or documentation on how to change the type of parametric test, only how to change to non-parametric etc...I have found this code piece in the official documentation:PMCMRplus::gamesHowellTest()