Population games are games with a finite set of available strategies and an infinite number of players, in which the reward for choosing a given strategy is a function of the distribution of players over strategies. The paper shows that, in a certain class of maxmin optimization problems, it...
J Am Stat Assoc 97(457):337–351 Article MATH Google Scholar Rezek I, Roberts S (2005) Ensemble hidden Markov models with extended observation densities for biosignal analysis. In: Probabilistic modeling in bioinformatics and medical informatics, pp 419–450 Geman S, Geman D (1984) Stochastic...
When your three stars are gone, you'll lose a life. While you begin the game with only three lives, there are 13 "1-ups" scattered throughout the levels. In order to reach the end, you'll need to summon all your timing and patience. For some, this game will be difficult and ...
However, according to its general definition, In a network, community refers to a group of nodes that are densely connected internally and have a sparser connection with the rest of the network3. Detecting communities is of great importance since nodes in a community usually have similarities in...
“motion model”16. In the motion model, each player is assumed to move according to an equation of motion with acceleration and resistance terms. Thus, given the initial position and velocity of a player, their arrival times at any location on the field can be calculated based on the ...
Don Hector notices the woods are slightly magical and chats with the bushes. The bushes tell him the road is not going to get them to the top of the hill and they’ll have to climb up the overgrown side. The party does so, suffering damage but reaching the road when it curves back ...
Note that the point estimates for the means and medians correspond to the areas under the curves and the points of intersection with the horizontal y=0.5 line, respectively, of the performance profiles in Fig. 20. Table 5. 95% bootstrap confidence intervals for median, interquartile mean (...
with ramps and bumps. Aside from having to slow down on curves, you're mashing the X button as quickly as possible while occasionally hitting the Square button to get big air. Sessions last longer than the track and field events, but it isn't something you'll go back to....
“entirely abstract”, as the users were to adjust three different curves that would correspond to the magnitude of a magnetic field and two laser fields (see Fig.1b) [59]. The objective was to design experimental setups and study optimal ways to cool down systems consisting of Rubidium ...
{Agt}\rightarrow \textsf {Stat}\)is thetransition function, it associates with a given state and a given move, the resulting state; for each player\(A \in \textsf {Agt}\),\(w_A :\textsf {Stat}\mapsto \mathbb {Z}\)is aweight functionwhich assigns to each agent an integer ...