If she answers correctly with "hid," she gets the points and gets to choose another question. If she's incorrect, call again for hands.Act it OutWhile teaching irregular verbs usually requires memorization, you can use visual stimuli to encourage your students to apply what they memorize. On...
to learn the words, spelling of irregular plural nouns, practice vocabulary and English conversation. Practice spelling, vocabulary, speaking, questions and answers, as well a grammar with these great games and activities. All of the games have sound for vocabulary and conversation practice. So, yo...
Level VI is entitled “Fluent”. Finishing the book, with all the Anki practice still does not guarantee that you'll be a fluent speaker. Yes, you'll know what a “Pluperfect Subjunctive Tense” is, and can probably rattle it off in a couple of languages, but the door to fluency has ...
In this section, you will find fun ESL classroom games for practicing regular and irregular verb forms. You can also use these games to help students practice using verbs in a variety of tenses to make sentences and questions. ESL Vocabulary Games ...
Language Arcade Games- This collection includes fun online games that are mainly played with the keyboard to test or learn some grammatical rule or concept. Example game is the Irregular Verbs Tetris, where mowing with arrow keys, you need to send the English verb in the corect basket. ...
Depending on the level of your students, have each team come up with sentences, some with helping verbs and some without. For younger grades, use a children's book and point out sentences as you read it aloud. For each sentence, each team must decide if the indicated verb used is a ...
Games If you discover any problems with the game, please contact us at the email below.
Proper use of action verbs can do wonders in terms of enhancing a student's vocabulary. This lesson provides teachers with classroom games and activities designed to help students identify and use action verbs. Action Verb Games and Activities Using action verbs effectively can enable your students...
Idioms A - Z - Idiomatic expressions beginning with A Phrasal Verbs - Vocabulary Page Imperatives (coming soon) Many or Much Using Many and Much Modal Verbs - can, may, might, should etc. Can, Can't , Could, Couldn't Can't have and Must have ...
In these exercises you get familiar with the simple past form of some common irregular verbs. 6 game levels. Kindergarten - Eleventh grade and above Irregular verbs Simple past Verbs 0% Months Practicing the order of the month of the year. Do you know how the month before September is ...