Other things you can do besides playing games is to find new hobbies and try to get really good at something. Learning something completely new rewires the brain in different areas and makes it work better. Additionally,reading,exercise, andsportsare also a good option to enhancing your brain ...
Hesaidpeopleshouldconsiderlearninganewlanguageorsportiftheyreallywanttoimprovetheirbrainpower."Tostimulate(激发)theintellect,youneedarealchallenge,"Adeysaid,"Gettingsmartishardwork."(1)Accordingtothearticle,whichofthefollowingisNOTusefultodevelopbrainpower? ___A.LearningalanguageB.GettingsomephysicalexerciseC.Play...
Learn to use the computerF. Read somethinggAll parts of our body will become old and sowill our brain. Here are some hobbies you may trymto make your brain work faster and make yourselfsmarter.g(31)Do you love comic books or the newspapers?Scientists tel us that these things might make...
Games and puzzles that are intellectually challenging give your brain a workout. Over time, when one type of puzzle becomes easy for you, try a more advanced version or a new game. In order to benefit your mind, puzzles must always be challenging and engaging. 3. Cope with Stress: Stud...
Ongoing research shows what actually happens to the brain when it is engaged in new learning, offering a window into how people can sustain their brain health and how brain-training games can play a role. We believe these studies offer some strategies to train your brain the right way....
Play free brain games and challenge your mind! Unlock +60 brain games designed to push your brain to the limits. Challenge yourself with puzzles, crosswords, mahjong, solitaire, and more!!
With an ageing population worried about cognitive(认知的)decline, brain training apps have soared in popularity. Search "brain training" , and you will find 1 apps and websites promising to make you mentally agile(敏捷的). In the same way that we might go to the gym to exercise, a daily...
根据最后一段He said people should consider learning a new language or sport if they really want to improve their brain power. “To stimulate(激发) the intellect, you need a real challenge,” Adey said, “Getting smart is hard work.”( 他说,如果人们真的想提高他们的脑力,他们应该考虑学习一...
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I really noticed the difference since I started doing online brain training! Margo I wanted to find games to improve concentration and found them in BrainGymmer! Anna Fair amount of brain games for adults that work on my phone as well ...