Explore the Microsoft Store for games, apps, and movies. Enjoy exclusive deals, new releases, and your favourite content all in one place.
我們使用選擇性 Cookie,以改善網站使用體驗 (例如透過社交媒體連線),並根據您的線上活動顯示個人化廣告。 如果您拒絕選擇性 Cookie,則只會使用為您提供服務所需的 Cookie。 您可以透過按一下頁面底部的 [管理 Cookie] 來變更選擇。隱私權聲明 第三方 Cookie 接受 拒絕 管理Cookie ...
The Microsoft Store on Windows has thousands of apps and games, many of them are free to download and play. When you install an app from Microsoft Store, it will follow you to any device. Apps will also get updated automatically, so you always have the lat...
Applies To Microsoft StoreWindows 11 这是Microsoft 365 免费试用版 立即解锁 Windows 上的 Microsoft Store 有数千个应用和游戏,其中许多应用和游戏可以免费下载和畅玩。 当从Microsoft Store 安装应用时,该应用将同步到你的任何设备上。 应用还将自动进行更新,以便你始终拥有最新功能。 下面介绍了如何下载应用和游戏...
Note:If you distribute your application as a web download (EXE /MSI) and you are planning to distribute it as a packaged application (MSIX) in the Store, you might want to prevent users from installing both versions or migrate users from the unpackaged web version to the Store version. Lea...
Note: If you distribute your application as a web download (EXE /MSI) and you are planning to distribute it as a packaged application (MSIX) in the Store, you might want to prevent users from installing both versions or migrate users from the unpackaged web version to the Store version. ...
United States Riot Games Ireland Merchandise Ltd is, as between it and Riot Games Merchandise, Inc. primarily responsible for your personal info (including for ensuring compliance with data protection law) and has the power to implement decisions regarding your personal info. It is your primary con...
Microsoft Store can only download and install one app at a time. In Microsoft Store, click on theAppsoption in the sidebar at the left. Click on thethree-dots menu iconnext to the app that is queued or downloading. SelectCancel downloadto stop the app from downloading and let the MS Sto...
074-01 WAN Disconnection to Xbox Services Test Steps Sign into an Xbox profile. While performing the following actions, disconnect the WAN network (if using an Ethernet switch/hub disconnect the uplink cable from the network device. If the device is connected via Wifi, disconnect the uplink ca...
1. Log Out and Back Into the Microsoft Store You might not be able to download games because of a temporary bug or glitch within the Windows Store app. The easiest way to get rid of it is by logging out of the Store, ending its process, and then logging back in. ...