In 2023, the sales revenue of China's console games reached 2.893 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 22.93%.In 2023, the sales revenue of China's esports games reached 132.945 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 12.85%. It needs to be specifically noted that this data...
“The hit series BUSTAFELLOWS continues with an all-new season! Fight for love and fight against crime, in this romantic, mystery, visual novel!” 发布于 2025 年 “The classic, school-based 3D dungeon-crawling RPG is back! After a 15 year wait, the third instalment in the series comes...
Some Call of Duty games areclearly better than others, and this year's iteration, Black Ops 6, is the best the series has been in some time. The campaign is a smart and varied action spectacle that keeps you on your toes as it explores paranoid thriller tropes set against global events...
While CBS is serving as the official cable TV home for this year's Men's March Madness tournament, live NCAA basketball games are also airing on TBS, TNT and truTV. The 2023 Women's Tournament will air on ESPN. Who is playing in NCAA March Madness 2023? There will be 68 Division I ...
In 2023, the sales revenue of China's console games reached 2.893 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 22.93%. In 2023, the sales revenue of China's esports games reached 132.945 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 12.85%. It needs to be specifically noted that this data repr...
It’s that time again! With 2024 already in high gear for both Epic Games and the Epic Games Store, we’re going to take a quick look back at 2023, and share more on what’s to come this year with our most anticipated new features and releases. ...
2023 has been an extraordinary year in the gaming world, brimming with epic releases that have captivated gamers worldwide. To celebrate this fantastic year, we've compiled a montage featuring the best games of 2023. Sit back, relax, and revel in the pinnacle of gaming ...
IOC President Bach previously stated, "Whether they could one day be considered for the Olympic programme the answer is yes. It depends on when this day is coming."霹雳舞、电竞比赛将首次亮相杭州亚运会 第19届亚运会将于2023年9月23日至10月8日在中国杭州举行。作为在中国本土举办的第三届亚运会,...
Baldur’s Gate 3 is not only one of the best macOS games of 2023, but one of the best games of the year. If you’re a fan of story-driven RPGs with immersive and beautiful cinematic cutscenes that draw you in, gaming on a lightweight MacBook is worth the salt in 2023 with Baldur...
The Best Board Games of 2023 In this year’s tabletop favorites, play as bees in space, Chinese emperors, fox breeders, women suffragists, fashionistas and much more It’s been another great year for board games, withpandemic-driven material shortages overand a rush of fantastic new options....