Level VI is entitled “Fluent”. Finishing the book, with all the Anki practice still does not guarantee that you'll be a fluent speaker. Yes, you'll know what a “Pluperfect Subjunctive Tense” is, and can probably rattle it off in a couple of languages, but the door to fluency has ...
In addition, the literature on gamification mainly suggests that gamification may increase the player’s motivation to complete the task at hand (e.g., playing through the game rather than reading through a text). This is different from what we measured in the test. Further research is needed...
movies, songs). Choose the difficulty (easy or hard). Then guess the quote. To go on, you click on New Quote. If you want, you can also hear that same quote in any of the eleven languages.
When he asked again, they did the same thing— He soon found out that his students did understand.In India, pe ople nod and shake their heads in different ways depending on where they come from. You have to know where a person is fro m to understand whether they mean “ye...
Learn English grammar fast with our exciting learning method! Play games with speedy lessons that also improve your vocabulary, listening and speaking skills.…
Monitoring kids' progress is easy - learning reports in the app or via email give you a simple overview of their growth and challenges. GAMEPLAY: SKIDOS Doctor is a fun role-playing game that will let your child play as a doctor and treat patients. Your child can try out different ...
Mind Snacksis an interactive app that teaches words and phrases in different languages such as Spanish, Chinese, French, German, and Japanese. There is also the option to choose SAT vocabulary. Instead of learning through rote memorization and repetition, fun touchscreen games are used. ...
That is because each set of students is different, and my plans changed each time I used these activities. If you are comfortable assessing your students and choosing from a given set of activities, these “units” will undoubtedly work for you. I primarily used them with middle school and ...
Aim: Teach action verbs Unit 5 – Shapes & Sizes Aim: Teach various shapes and adjectives to describe size. Unit 6 – Demonstrative Pronouns – This/That/These/Those Aim: Teach singular and plurals of nouns and demonstrative pronouns.