Honestly, who could have predicted Farmville-parody Cow Clicker would lead to a future in which there's anentire storefront dominated by incremental games where you click on cartoon boobs? They say idle hands are the devil's playthings, and it seems like idle games belong to the devil too....
Honestly, who could have predicted Farmville-parody Cow Clicker would lead to a future in which there's anentire storefront dominated by incremental games where you click on cartoon boobs? They say idle hands are the devil's playthings, and it seems like idle games belong to the devil too....
1.4Kvoters Plant your crops, and let your land flourish! These are the best farm simulator games that are available on any console, including Nintendo, iPhone, Steam, and more. Ever sinceFarmvillebecame the #1 game on Facebook, farming sim games and agriculture simulators have become extremely...
Oh no! The mischievous Gwonks are at it again! They are determined to ruin the Halloween part thrown by the inhabitants of the Magic Forest and we can't have that now, can we? Read More Play Now! New Game Added: Family Nest: Family Relics Play through this immersive farming game ...
What the popular casual games like Farmville and Candy Crush all have in common is that they are easy to learn and you can play them in short spurts. I think the reason why women play so many casual games is because a lot of women are still placed in the care-giver role and play ...
Now that the fog has cleared, of course, it's easy to see how games like Farmville Trailblazers for the modern base-building game, with its timed activities and unlock-based progression systems, really lead the way for the modern 'building' game. There has always been a degree of patience...
If you’re looking to replicate the fun of games like Farmville on your PC without the annoying in-play purchases, then Farm Craft, developed by NevoSoft is a farming simulation game you’re sure to enjoy, and are sure to find just as addictive and fun to play as any game you can fi...
If agriculture-simulation games are more your cup of tea, check out Stardew Valley on Steam for Mac. It’s a game where you run a family farm in a small town, similar to FarmVille. The premise of this story is that the farm is an inheritance and has lost its glory through time. The...
Social games like the insanely popular Farmville are certainly drawing in lots of players. 社交游戏确实吸引了众多玩家,无比热门的农场庄园(Farmville)就是个好例子。 www.forbeschina.com 5. Livemocha is experimenting with a variety of ways to motivate people that resemble the social games found on Fa...
Van Cleave explained that one of the biggest warning signs is when someone lies about how much they game. "With so many levels of deception and lying, you're in way deep," he said. That's harder with social gaming, where user activity is largely public; games like FarmVille show players...