“A detective story on the high seas. Return of Obra Dinn features minimal graphics emulating early Macintosh games and similar mechanics to Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective. This smartly designed and beautifully narrative driven game had me deeply invested in the perils of the passengers on this...
For the bibliophiles out there, literature-based games like “Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective” or “Once Upon a Time” offer an enriching experience. These games not only challenge your intellect but also deepen your appreciation for classic and modern literature. Trivia and Quiz Games General...
With this new system, Holmes must literally string together pairs of different clues and deduce their meaning—a game mechanic remarkably similar to that also used in the official game to the hit television series from The Project Factory (Sherlock: The Network). Some characters have even been ...
The digital and physical games have to have the same rules (thus the same components) It also must have the same name as the original. It can't be a differently named game with similar game-play. "Normal" video games do not count for this challenge.--Solo play counts.--CCGs/LCGs ...
While combating his inner demons, Bigby is tasked with solving a brutal murder in Fabletown that requires him to seek out new, unlikely allies. Similar to Detroit: Become Human, the game features a host of compelling characters with memorable storylines that will stick with players long after ...
Sherlock Holmes Games List for PC. Fire Maple Grisly Manor Games. Mystery of Haunted Hollow Games. And don’t forget to let me know if a new game is released in Haiku’s series – I might be late updating this fast-growing list.
Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One(Xbox Series X, 2021) – A game that was clearly developed on a budget, but with a lot of heart.I lovedSherlock Holmes: Crimes &Punishments;Chapter Onemoves from discrete cases to an open-world format. I’m not quite sure the change of format works, but I...
Cooperative game set in the entire world on a theme similar to Arkham Horror. Each Ancient One comes with its own decks of Mystery and Research cards. Cards contain tasks, locations of gates, monsters and clues. On a turn a player either resolves combat or builds up the character by readin...
Additionally, combat is much more pronounced than any of the Sherlock Holmes games, making for a more engrossing, action-driven experience reminiscent of Control. Not to mention the presence of countless peculiar and supernatural story elements that will familiar to fans of Remedy’s games. ...
Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments, developed by Frogwars, is the 10th title in the Sherlock Holmes series. More Tears to Tiara 2: Heir to the Overlord Tears to Tiara 2: Heir to the Overlord is a tactical RPG developed by AquaPlus. More Escape...