He added that, since Denpasoft focuses on visual novels that don't involve many active choices, "that's not our business." However, he wouldn’t be surprised if tracking decision-making is core to other companies' profit strategies. Notably, many of the games on Nutaku seem to involve am...
Free Online Game Simulates Coming Out Experience | GLBT News: “The game is based on Case’s own coming out process, and it allows the player to choose a variety of conversational choices throughout the storyline. Characters remember what you have said, and they constantly refer back to cho...
We have conducted a qualitative data analysis, based on video recording and integrating two theoretical frameworks: the game theory and the structure of attention frame. Results indicate that, through strategy games, children may experience different aspects of mathematical thinking, such as making ...
Violent video games (VVGs) are a source of serious and continuing controversy. They are not unique in this respect, though. Other entertainment products have been criticized on moral grounds, from pornography to heavy metal, horror films, and Harry Potter books. Some of these controversies have ...
Yet when it comes to how we design and test games with moral dilemmas, there is little written on the subject. From this premise, The Moral Gameplay Taxonomy has been developed. Developed through an examination of 23 games, the taxonomy consists of two dimensions, creating four quadrants, ...
When the matrix is complete, ask the group to explain their decisions and reasoning. The matrix can then be used as a guidepost for future decision making on a project; specifically, what items are important and of higher priority than the others. ...
Do you love playing turn-based strategy games? Check out our top picks for the best turn-based strategy games available on PC and start playing today!
giving orders and storming strategic locations to capture territory. And these squadmates aren’t merely decorative. If you get killed on the field, you’ll take control of one of your comrades, living on to continue the fight. It keeps you in the action, and ensures that a single mistake...
You may have spent the last 10 hours playing as King Malcolm of Scotland, but, thanks to the choices you've made on his behalf, this is very much your version of Malcolm - an alternate history that belongs to you completely thanks to decisions made over the course of your playthrough. ...
Cards to write answers on, pens or pencils for every player. It’s fun to have the same themed cards for answers as you used for the questions. Glass bowl or a hat to put the answers into. A poster board with sticky stars or bridal-themed stickers to take score, making a separate ...