Enjoy all the core PlayStation Plus benefits, hundreds of games in the Game Catalog, as well as exclusive benefits like game trials, cloud streaming, and the Classics Catalog. Classics Catalog Game Trials Cloud Streaming PlayStation Plus Premium also includes: ...
Like these rhythm games, you must tap on the notes that fall to a certain song. While most of these games mainly follow a linear pattern, in Hachi Hachi, the notes fall along a circle. Each note has a corresponding color that indicates the direction in which it is going or how it ...
Rhythm games Unleash your inner rock star with some of PlayStation's best rhythm games. Games for kids and families on PlayStation Plus Discover great games for kids and families to download now on PlayStation Plus Game Catalogue. The PlayStation guide to sharing Discover how to share your be...
Dance to the rhythm of music maker beats, tap the piano tiles to create wonderful melodies, or form a garageband with your friends and make your first song together. Grab some virtual drums, tune a guitar, and let the musical magic begin! Or participate in a beat battle and show everybod...
Trombone Champ is a hilarious rhythm game about perfection. Before you (or up to three other tromboners) play, it asks you to select a stance: 'estudious' or 'jubilant'. Neither of these is appropriate when you know your performance will be as ear-abusive as an excited puppy mauling a...
It's also a remarkably elegant experience in motion, especially for a game that makes you garrote a demon every 17 seconds. Like Mario 64 or Mirror's Edge, Eternal feels flawless when you tap into its joyous rhythm. Every gun feels perfectly tuned, each level impeccably paced, while every...
so a trip down south seemed like a good idea. But all does not go smoothly upon his arrival in the glamorous, hedonistic metropolis of Vice City. He's set up and is left with no money and no merchandise. Sonny wants his money back, but the biker gangs, Cuban gangsters, and corrupt ...
It’s a weird design choice, but it definitely can break your rhythm. Otherwise, though, it basically comes down to a question of who dies first: You or Ridley-X. Assuming you didn’t screw up too much against the Gold Space Pirates, it’s not too difficult to survive this ...
Dance to the rhythm of music maker beats, tap the piano tiles to create wonderful melodies, or form a garageband with your friends and make your first song together. Grab some virtual drums, tune a guitar, and let the musical magic begin! Or participate in a beat battle and show everybod...
Most of the previous puzzle games we've looked at thus far have been low-key and relaxing in their own ways. Thumper: Pocket Edition is the other side of the coin. It's a wonderfully chaotic rhythm game — or "rhythm violence" as the developers call it. If you like intense, fast-pa...