تنزيل GamePad Companion [AR] 下载GamePad Companion [ZH] ดาวน์โหลด GamePad Companion [TH] Скачать GamePad Companion [RU] Descargar GamePad Companion [ES] GamePad Companion 다운로드 [KO]GamePad Companion for Mac Trial version In English V 3.3...
2.1 • 7 个评分 ¥58.00 截屏 简介 GamePad Companion enables you to configure your gaming device to act as a keyboard or mouse. With GamePad Companion you can use your gaming devices with most games and apps, even if they don't have built-in support for those devices!
GamePad Companion 4+ Jessica Wolfe 2.3 • 6 个评分 ¥50.00 截屏简介 GamePad Companion enables you to configure your gaming device to act as a keyboard or mouse. With GamePad Companion you can use your gaming devices with most games and apps, even if they don't have built-in support ...
🎮 ToS Gamepad Companion adds custom vibration feedback to any game! Assign vibrations to any button, adjust strength, choose motors, and control timing. Enhance immersion with dynamic effects. Works with any gamepad and any game, old or new! Elevate y
2.1 • 7 个评分 ¥58.00 截屏 简介 GamePad Companion enables you to configure your gaming device to act as a keyboard or mouse. With GamePad Companion you can use your gaming devices with most games and apps, even if they don't have built-in support for those devices!
方法/步骤 1 第一步当然是安装并打开Gamepad Companion。2 进去软件后就会看到主界面,红圈这里提示没有手柄,说明没有连接游戏手柄。然后按图二接入无线模块跟手柄相连,蓝牙手柄有线手柄都是可以的。3 连接好了点击手柄中间的红色按钮,已经连接上了不会闪烁,否则红灯闪烁不停。那么这样子手柄就可以用了,无需安装...
GamePad Companion for mac 3.3.1 Mac游戏手柄配置工具 最新破解版 支持10.11 | 原价:7.99美元,约50元人民币 [h1]GamePad Companion for Mac 软件介绍[/h1] GamePad Companion是一款Mac平台上的游戏手柄配置工具。 大家都知道Mac游戏兼容手柄 O网页链接 ...
GamePad Companion评分及评论 2.1(满分 5 分) 7 个评分 vi.wong,2015/03/25 Great! but has bug on multiscreen While mapping a axis controller to the mouse movements, the mouse pointer alway limits on main screen tanggggggggggg,2019/02/17 ...