sampctl package build The master branch should never have errors but may include warnings from time to time. Set Up Storage This project uses a custom backend for storing data. That project is available here and you can simply download one of the release binaries and run it. By default, wh...
I'd like to have a samp server with the fixtures I prefer, it consits to program that one using pawn (programming language); I've already got a gamemode but it isn't full yet, you may continue from this one if you prefer, but if you want to start from scratch I can tell you ...
Console.WriteLine("DisposureTest successful: {0}", success); } 开发者ID:WLSF,项目名称:SampSharp,代码行数:33,代码来源:DisposureTest.cs 示例5: Start ▲点赞 1▼ publicvoidStart(GameModegameMode){ Native.RegisterExtension(newTestExtension()); Console.WriteLine("Call OnTest183()");newNativeFuncti...