然而,因为instance_place函数本身并不需要你填入用哪个实例来碰瓷,所以我一开始就没注意到这个工作原理。实现此类事件的正确做法,是用instance_position,这个函数就不是基于用实例碰瓷来判断的了(当然也享受不了实例的碰撞体积了),事件立刻可以正常触发了。 instance_place,我记住你了,以后走夜路给我小心点……...
请教一下这个函数in..instance_place(x,y,obj) 返回值为遇到当前( x , y )位置上实例的 obj 的实例 id 名。参数 obj 可以是某对象或是关键字 all 。如果不存在,返回特殊对象 no
//红色部分就是可以修改的内容 除了instance_place 外还可以使用 collision系列 反正安装需要替换就是了var x1 = argument0; var y1 = argument1; var obj = argument2;var list = ds_list_create(); do { varhit = instance_place(x1, y1, obj);if (hit != noone) { ///Add the colliding object...
请问怎么弄出轨迹效果..请问 方案二的具体做法 还有比如这个with instance_create(x+cos(aim_angle*pi/180)*5,y-sin(aim_angle*pi/180)*5-2,bullet)
instance_place_3d() instance_position_3d() and of course the "Make Elden Ring" function. Reactions: Andrey, Karlstens, 8BitWarrior and 2 others D Deleted User Guest Apr 27, 2022 #244 Amon said: Regarding improved model loading and general 3D, don't forget.. place_meeting_3d() ...
_hitbox = instance_create(x,y,oHitbox); _hitbox.owner = id; _hitbox.image_xscale = argument0; _hitbox.image_yscale = argument1; _hitbox.xOffset = argument2; _hitbox.yOffset = argument3; _hitbox.life = argument4; _hitbox.xHit = argument5; ...
Instance Place In GM this function uses the collision mask of the instance that runs the code to check a position for a collision, then returns the instance ID of the colliding object. GML instance_id = instance_place(x+32, y+16, obj); GDScript If we set move_and_collide's last argu...
_hurtbox = instance_create_layer(x, y, layer, oHurtbox);//创建oHurtbox对象,注,如果你想用其他的layer来显示这玩意,就把layer改为你想要显示的layer名,“layer name” _hurtbox.owner = id; //存储该对象的id _hurtbox.image_xscale = argument0; ...
I want to randomize vfx instance creation around my enemy, but all created vfx instances are in the lower right corner Erzberger Yesterday at 4:51 PM Programming Replies 4 Views 33 Yesterday at 5:58 PM TheouAegis GraphicsIs there a way of using a Spine 3.8 animation in my project?