image_index = 2; //左键放开事件 image_index = 1; //鼠标移入事件 image_index = 1; //鼠标移出事件 image_index = 0; 5、添加声音资产snd_button,让左键按下时发出声音 6、修改左键按下事件,让声音能被触发 //左键按下事件 audio_play_sound(snd_button, 0, 0, 1.0, undefined, 1.0); imag...
image_index = 2; //左键放开事件 image_index = 1; //鼠标移入事件 image_index = 1; //鼠标移出事件 image_index = 0; 5、添加声音资产snd_button,让左键按下时发出声音 6、修改左键按下事件,让声音能被触发 //左键按下事件 audio_play_sound(snd_button, 0, 0, 1.0, undefined, 1.0); imag...
I have tried to use image index but almost nothing happens but pernamentaly pausing at one frame if abs(xspd) > 0 {sprite_index = spr_playerWalk; }; //idle if abs(xspd) < 00.1 {sprite_index = spr_playerIdle; }; if (movedir =! 0) {image_index = 0} //jump if (-yspd) ...
sprite_index = spr_ysera_walk_front; } else{ sprite_index = spr_ysera_idle; } 接下来,首先我想要在YseraCreate脚本中加一个枚举(enum)来定义人物当前的朝向,因为在目前的代码中,人物移动时 phy_position_x 和 phy_position_y 的加减、人物在 x 轴的缩放 image_xscale、移动时需要采用的动画这几个因素...
image_index = 0; m_fired = false; } else if(keyboard_check(ord('K'))){ m_isInSkill = true; sprite_index = noone; image_index = 0; m_fired = false; } else if(keyboard_check(ord('A'))){ phy_position_x = phy_position_x - 4; ...
为不同的情况设置sprite_index,即当前需要播放的动画。其中语句image_index=0的意思是每次攻击和技能的动画的从第一帧开始播放。 增加人物状态变量 但如果仅仅是把这段代码加进 YseraStep 脚本中,你会发现人物还是没法正确的播放攻击和技能动画,这是因为之前控制人物移动的代码中的存在一个 else 语句会在玩家没有任...
image_index = 1; image_speed = 0; } // Place a pot when the action key is pressed if (_kAction) instance_create_layer(x, y, "Pots", oPot); With that out of the way, we can create a little play area to test our code. This is the one I came up with: ...
您可以使用上面提到的skeleton_animation_set()函数随时更换动画,但是这样操作会把图像索引(image index)重置为0,这可能会导致从一个姿势切换到另一个姿势时不够自然出现“跳帧”。使用位图精灵,这是可预料的,甚至可能你更希望这么实现。但是对于骨骼动画精灵,它看起来很奇怪甚至会有 bug。 但您可以使用skeleton_anima...
if (mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_left)) { instance_create_layer(x, y, "Instances", obj_riflesnr); image_index = image_number - 0; audio_play_sound(snd_gun_shot, 0, false); } this is the code im using in a step event, the audio plays once and is fine its just the animation...