// Camera camera = view_camera[0]; // 3D camera properties camDist = -300; camFov = 90; camAsp = camera_get_view_width(camera) / camera_get_view_height(camera); First, we get the camera ID, and store it in camera. Then we set up some 3D camera properties: ...
//var表示是临时变量 camera_get_view_x()取得参数的x位置 view_camera[0]是内置变量 表示相机 括号中为0 表示为相机0 var cy = camera_get_view_y(view_camera[0]);//同上 取得y位置 var cw = camera_get_view_width(view_camera[0]);//取得相机宽度 draw_text(cx+cw/2,cy+25,string(thescore)...
Instead of using a fixed room size, you can change it depending on the result ofdisplay_get_width()anddisplay_get_height(). A cleaner way to get a dynamic view without modifying the room size is to usecameras. Ensure your camera changes its size to match the size of the display, usi...
我们在这个绘制方法中写入以下内容: var cx = camera_get_view_x(view_camera[0]); var cy = camera_get_view_y(view_camera[0]); var cw = camera_get_view_width(view_camera[0]); draw_text (cx+cw/2,cy+25,string(thescore)) 在这里我们又定义了三个变量,但是我们在定义变量时在前面使用了“...
Use a view camera and set it to the room width then scale the height to the device. So, on game start you get the size of the display, then activate the view[0] and set the port width and height to the DISPLAY size, then you set the camera width to the width you want (480),...
surface_exists(surf1) { surf1 = surface_create(camera_get_view_width(view_camera[0]), camera_get_view_height(view_camera[0])); view_surface_id[0] = surf1; } else { draw_surface_stretched(surf1, 32, 32,1280 /3 ,720/3 ); draw_rectangle( 32, 32,1280 /3+32 ,720/3 +32,1...
var cx = camera_get_view_x(view_camera[0]); var cy = camera_get_view_y(view_camera[0]); var cw = camera_get_view_width(view_camera[0]); var ch = camera_get_view_height(view_camera[0]); var mx = mouse_x; var my = mouse_y; if(mouse_wheel_up()){ if(cw / orign_cw...
The camera viewpoint is located in the real distance (the distance above. The room is wide; Get a reasonable default projection.) only objects are drawn in front of the camera. Therefore, objects cannot be used at a depth smaller than 0 (or less than the width of the room or view) ...
GameMaker6 3D篇翻译_碧绿的湖 3D绘制 这一功能只在注册版GameMaker中. GameMaker是一个制作2维等距游戏的程序,然而他仍然具有创造3维绘制的功能,在你开始前有些事情你必须了解. 在GameMaker中3D功能是局限在绘制部分的.并不支持其他3D功能.一旦你开始使用3D绘制你在GameMaker中可能会遇到一些其他方面的问题,比如...
I have this code in a persistent object: if(global.fullscreen = false){ window_set_size(displayWidth,displayHeight); } ...which sets the camera to the settings I... Redcakes Thread Apr 26, 2021 Replies: 11 Forum: Programming S sprite gets stuck in wall hey guys, while i was ...