2048 Welcome to the puzzle in 2048. The game features materialistic in the design, no bright colors, effects, everything is clear and understandable for scientific, as in mathematics, but start playing you will not be able to break away. Numbers in combination with units able to captivate ...
Play 2048 online for free. This is the classic version of the puzzle game. Join the numbers and get to the 2048 tile, and make the highest score in the world.
Game2048 适用于 Android 设备 安装 举报应用 关于Game2048 大小 30.2 MB 更新时间 2023-07-20 版本 0.1 Build 1 蒲公英 | 举报 中文 提示:1. 该应用来源于第三方产品,内容不受蒲公英控制,请您仔细甄别,审慎安装。蒲公英内测服务平台为第三方应用提供应用测试托管、应用崩溃检测等服务。蒲公英仅为第三方...
Swipe the game board to move all tiles left, right, up, or down. When two tiles with the same number touch, they merge into one with a double number, i.e. 2+2 merge into 4, 4+4 merge into 8 and so on. The goal is to create a tile with the highest number. Number 2048 is...
The 2048 Classic Game. This is the classic version of 2048 game. Join the numbers and get to the 2048 tile. Play 2048 online for free here.
Game 2048 1//事件处理对象2//addHandler() 方法接受3个参数:要操作的元素、事件名称和事件处理程序函数。3varEventUtil ={4addHandler:function(element, type, handler) {5if(element.addEventListener) {6element.addEventListener(type, handler,false);7}elseif(element.attachEvent) {8element.attachEvent("on"...
Discover the captivating features of our 2048 game, setting it apart from the rest: Experience the unique advantage of five undos, a rarity in most 2048 games. Choose from classic, small, big, bigger, and huge boards, offering diverse challenges for players of all levels. ...
【游戏】2048 g..游戏的原型是这个:http://gabrielecirulli.github.io/2048/现在已出手机APP版本。电脑版用方向键上下左右移动,一次会移动一整列的方块,每移动一次就会增生出一个2。相
Game2048 本人Android小白,这个程序也是比较简陋,也没有经过完整测试,不喜勿喷。发到博客纯属为了保存资料。 接下来是布局代码xml <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent"...
2048 2 Player 1 2 3 4 5 (Rating: 4.4) Add to Favorites 1 2 3 4 5 (Rating: 4.4) Why Game 2048 is so popular? Maybe it is because that it is hard to get the number until you know the rule clearly. Always keep the largest number in one corner and keep a sequence of 1024, ...