Prevents the tek generator from being able to be places on saddles & rafts. 禁止泰克发电机放置在平台鞍和木筏上。 TekGeneratorFuelUseIntervalInSeconds=86400 泰克发电机燃料使用间隔(秒)=86400(即:壹天) How long the Tek Generator will run on 1 element. 壹个能量元素将在泰克发电机上运行多长时间。
Generator Noise Tek/Electric Generators are really useful but they’re so crazy loud. Would really love if the volume of them was reduced a bit or at least a setting to reduce generator sounds was implemented. It just makes me hate being in my base becau
BufGenerator: NoBuf/BufferIO code generator. NetworkWeaver: TCP/UDP/WebSocket Networking. ArkiCSharpGen: C# code generator. PureBTTree: Behaviour Tree. ArkiDataStructure: Datastructures like Quadtree/Octree. FreeInput: Input lib. GenGen: Generation lib. ...
I am not too picky about game settings (though I love games with unusual, well thought out themes). I really enjoy games with thematic integration: it is great when I have a clear avatar that I am playing as and when my actions and decisions are those that my avatar would make.Unlike...
这是JSON格式的HTML实现。HTML对调试很有用,但不适合应用程序使用。 指定format参数以更改输出格式。要查看JSON格式的非HTML实现,设置format=json。 参见完整文档,或API帮助以获取更多信息。 {"batchcomplete":"","continue":{"gaicontinue":"Listw5.jpg","continue":"gaicontinue||"},"query":{"pages":{"59...
(Arising questions would be most fully answered by the 2,000+ pages of referenced books, as cited in this utility’s user manual.) Additional tool sets for the Game World Generator, Oldskull Adventure Generator, etc. will be programmed if this initial dungeon-themed offering is well received...
prop=info (in) (main|query|info) 此模块需要读取权限。 来源:MediaWiki 许可协议:GPL-2.0-or-later 获取基本页面信息。 参数: inprop 要获取的额外属性: protection 列出每个页面的保护等级。 talkid 每个非讨论页面的讨论页的页面ID。 watched 列出每个页面的被监视状态。
This new area has the following additional training topics: 新增户外教学场景 Destroying vehicles (tanks) AV Turrets Jump pads Ground vehicle driving Vehicle ammo tower Gate shield Generator overloadingAdded an energy shield that blocks access to the teleporter until the player completes the shooting ...
foundhere, if you’re a Steam user, and it liveshereon Nexus. It’s possible that it will not be required in later iterations of XCOM 2. I cannot vouch for its stability or support, but I’m still using it as of this writing, and it has a 5/5 star rating from the user ...
Regular generators last roughly 8 days with a full inventory of gasoline, and they have the ability to power on when the wind turbines shut down, Can we have the option of setting a generator as a back up generator, so when the first generator powers dow